An Important Message

An important message that everyone should read!

Hello.  This is your brain.  I must  give you an important message.

There are some things you do that hurt me, that make it more difficult for me to function.  Then you get frustrated with your inability to remember things.

Do you want to know what they are?

Sleep Deprivation.   

When you do not sleep between seven and eight hours at night,  the protein that causes Alzheimer’s builds up and I do not think very well.  Also, as this protein builds up, you are putting me more at risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

Lack of Exercise  

Exercise creates new brain cells and improves the way I operate. Please exercise at least 30 minutes a day so I can function better!

Coping with Stress Poorly

Chronic stress can shrink the hippo campus.  It can also trigger the progression of mild cognitive impairment to full-blown dementia.

When you are stressed out, please meditate, do breathing exercises, get physical exercise, or find someone to talk to.

Isolating Yourself  

Especially if you are over age 65, you need social interaction with others.  Research shows that social interaction decreases risk for developing dementia by up to 70 percent.

So have some fun and keep me functioning at my best!  Go out to a restaurant with a friend or two, volunteer, go to church, or visit family and friends.

Not Drinking Enough Water  

I need water to function at my best.  My cells require a balance of water and various other elements to work properly. When you do not drink enough water, you disrupt this delicate balance and my cells do not work as efficiently as possible.

Please drink at least 90 ounces of water each day and help me function my best!

If you want to soar like an eagle over life’s storms, you need me to work as well as I can.  Please heed this important message and take good care of me!


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soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Keep your brain in grow mode…

Is your smart phone affecting your family?

Want to improve your focus and your memory?

 The most powerful forces in the universe are love and positive thinking!


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