When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

An Important Issue

near a river encouragement for kids important issue bj rae bald eagle

Your credit score is an important issue.  I have learned the hard way about this.

When I divorced my ex-husband, he did everything he could to hurt me. He even hurt my credit by somehow getting some of his medical bills assigned to my credit.

Then someone stole my identity and ran up bills in my name.  I did not find out about this until the thief did not pay the bills and the creditors found and came after me in another state.

My credit score plummeted from 750 to less 400 six years ago.  I could not even get utilities in my own name at that time.  But, for the past year, my credit score has been above 800.

No, I did not pay anyone to fix my credit score for me.  I fixed it myself.

First, I gathered information…

I got copies of my credit reports and reviewed the errors in them. Then I filed a police report for identity theft. Also, I signed up for a credit monitoring service so I could monitor my credit score.

Then I took action!

  • Beneath each of the erroneous entries on my credit reports, I found the address of the company who had recorded the entry. Then I mailed a letter to each of these companies with proof that I was not responsible for this debt (including a copy of my identity theft police report). I mailed each letter with tracking and signature required for delivery.
  • After 60 days, most of the erroneous entries were removed, but some remained. I had to submit more evidence that documented I was not the responsible party (such as legal documents that proved where I was living at the time).  It took longer to fight some of these errors in my credit reports but eventually they were all removed.  I had to actually inform some of these companies I would take them to court if they did not remove the erroneous credit information.
  • About 9 months later, all of the erroneous entries were removed from my credit. But my credit score only went up by 275 points, to 675. So I got a secured credit card in my name. I used this credit card to buy groceries and gas and charged it up to the maximum every month, and then I paid it off on time every month in full. Six months after obtaining this secured credit card, TD Bank turned it into a regular credit card and increased my limit.
  • One year later, my credit score was up to 775. Since then, I have obtained one larger credit account and that has raised my FICO credit score up to above 800. My issue had been fixed!

If you have credit score problems, the last thing you need to do is to pay someone to fix your credit for you.  This is expensive, several hundred dollars a month—and you can do it yourself.  It just takes time and patience to accomplish this task.

Even if you do not plan to apply for credit in the future, your credit score is an important issue.  Having a low credit score can affect your ability to get utilities in your name and other important aspects of life.  You may have trouble renting housing and may be unable to get a new cell phone contract.  Unfortunately, you also might be denied a job that you need and may be required to pay higher insurance premiums.

Right now, when you do not need a new job, apartment, cell phone contract, or insurance policy, is the best time to fix your credit score issue.

Since you never know when someone will need to check your credit, perhaps you should check your own credit reports soon.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Another reason you might want to check your credit score soon…

Do you know how often you should change your car’s oil?

Regardless of where you live, please consider this.

Help your child to have a great school year!


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