About Karma…

Do you believe in karma, the simple belief that what you do comes back to you? Here is proof that
karma is real.

You can call Karma God or simply karma. Whatever you call it, I have seen it in action many times. What does the word “Karma” mean? Simply stated, it means that what you put out, positive or negative, comes back to you.

Here are two the stories of two women who prove Karma exists.

First, here is Emily’s story.

  • Emily has never treated her children equally. More than one person who watched her children growing up have apologized for Emily’s poor treatment of them on behalf of the Christians in the town where she grew up.
  • Also, Emily was unsupportive of one of her sons when he called her, distraught.  He ended his life within hours of calling our Emily and getting no support. After she became ill, she wrote one of her children out of her will.
  • She was intolerant of others who were different from her in any way. Once when the house across the street was for sale, a black family came to look at it.  Emily let them know they were unwelcome in her neighborhood.
  • As Emily’s years advanced, she could not get the help she needed in the town she lived in, even though she had grown up and always lived there. This lack of support forced her to move out of state at the age of seventy-five.
  • Unfortunately, Emily now has a type of cancer that is very unusual for her age.

I hope that Emily’s obituary fails to mention that I am one of her relatives!

But Rose behaved differently from Emily.

  • Rose never said an unkind word about anyone and never even complained about anyone to her own husband.
  • She told others to treat others by the golden rule always, even if they differ from you.
  • Here is one example of how she put her beliefs into action.

I was with her one day when she took home-cooked food to a neighbor’s home.  This neighbor was an atheist alcoholic man, and she did this more than once when I was with her. The father was sleeping when we delivered the food, and his kids answered the door.  Unfortunately, he had left his children to their own devices for dinner. These poor children invited her in to explain how to reheat the food.  We smelled a sickening smell that permeated every room in the house, a stench that I recalled smelling in my own home in the past.  So she and I were really eager to leave and breathe fresh, clean air.  As usual, we both hugged each child even though the children smelled badly also.  His daughter asked Rose to show her how to get “Father’s stink” out of the bathroom. Holding my hand, Rose dragged me back inside. I watched as Rose scrubbed that bathroom until there was no more smell. The drunk man’s daughter watched her clean the toilet.

  • Rose worked well with others, even others with different beliefs than her own. She was successful and others respected her.
  • Old age caused her death, and as she aged she never lacked for help.  Everything she needed came to her doorstep. When she died, I cried a river of tears as many others did.

Believe it or not, these two women are daughter and mother!

How can you have good karma as Rose did?  Simply help others and work together with them, accepting them for who they are in spite of differences in beliefs.

Citizens and politicians, I wish you all good karma!

N.B.-Whether you take or leave this post on real karma, I will treat you as lovingly and kindly as I possibly can–just as I have treated both Emily and Rose.


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Yes, you can conquer the Goliath in your life!

Shouldn’t our President be our hero now?

May every day of your life be “rotten”!

Just keeping my promise…


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