When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Keep Your Memory Sharp!

What are the best ways to keep your memory sharp?

Encouraging you to keep your memory sharp on near a river.

As my husband and I get older, our brains slow down.  This is normal and does not mean that we are on the path to Alzheimer’s.  It just means we need to work on keeping our memory functioning sharp.

Which strategies help keep memory sharp and reduce our dementia risk down the line?  Here are six strategies that have been proven to do this.

Rule out other factors

Memory and thinking issues can be related to other health issues.

  • depression
  • medication side effects
  • vitamin deficiency
  • excess alcohol use
  • hearing loss
  • other (thyroid, liver, and kidney) illnesses

Talk to your doctor.  Sometimes you can keep your memory sharp with a simple medication change.

Control your blood pressure  

High blood pressure increases risk of cognitive impairment later in life, according to the American Heart Association. Over time, high blood pressure can cause insufficient blood flow to your brain.

Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol use, and get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.

Exercise regularly  

Exercise reduces the risk for cognitive problems by elevating your heart rate and increasing blood flow to your brain.

Get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise as often as possible.  Add strength training a few days a week if you can.

Eat a heart healthy diet! 

A healthy diet may help your brain also.  JAMA Internal Medicine published a study  that showed that the Mediterranean diet helps ward off cognitive decline.

Research has also linked the MIND diet to reduced dementia risk.

Eat a heart healthy diet.  Replace red meat with fish, and eat leafy greens such as kale and spinach daily.  Eat beans and whole grains and small amounts of healthy fats like olive oil and nuts.

Challenge you brain!

Preserve your brain functioning by using your brain!

A study from the University of Pittsburgh found that adults who spend at least one hour a day challenging their brains (playing bridge, board games, and musical instruments) were less likely to develop dementia than those who do not.

Find a continuing education course on a topic that interests you and pursue your interest.  Play a musical instrument each day.

I have traumatic brain injury from my ex-husband.  I have been learning to play piano for about 18 months now.  After I practice, I can tell that my brain is functioning much better.  I think more clearly and remember things more easily.

Be social!

Researchers have associated isolation and loneliness with an elevated dementia risk.

So make time for socializing!  Strong relationships, attending social events, and spending time with loved ones all have been linked to a healthier aging brain.


Don’t bother with supplements and drugs and hormones.  There is very little evidence that these actually help and they can be costly.

I do have increased risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s due to my traumatic brain injury.  I have made up my mind to do everything I can to prevent any further decline in my brain functioning.  Will you join me and try to do everything in your power to improve and preserve your brain functioning?

Keep your memory sharp and soar like an eagle over life’s storms.


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