When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Time to Let Go…

Encouraging you to recognize when it is time to let go on near a river.

Do you know when it is time to let go?

Are you in a difficult relationship?  Do you know when it is time to let go of it?

If you do not, here are some clues that tell you it is time to let go.

  1. Are you always the one making sacrifices?
  2. Can you remember the last time you were truly happy in this relationship?
  3. Do you feel exhausted—emotionally, spiritually, and physically?
  4. Does the other person in the relationship expect you to become someone you really are not?
  5. How does staying in the relationship make you feel? Does it make you feel frustrated, broken, and depressed?
  6. Do you constantly feel like this relationship is suffocating you?
  7. Feeling alone and unheard?
  8. When you think about your life, do you think more about past memories than about the present?
  9. Have you forgotten how to have fun?
When it is time to let go, you answer these questions with mostly yes answers.

Remember that toxic relationships are not good for either party.  For the toxic person, the relationship just encourages him or her to continue to not get the help he or she needs.  For the other person in the relationship, a toxic relationship can eventually destroy you.  You forget who you are, what you used to love to do in your life, and how to feel happy.  Yes, you can forget how to feel happy.

I was in a toxic relationship with a very abusive husband for too many years.  Right before a doctor motivated me to get out of it, I had become conditioned to thinking that my life would always be the way it was at that time.  Yes, it took a great deal of courage to leave him and I was still not “happy” for a long time.  But some years later, I finally began to feel happy again.

So if you are in a relationship that makes you say yes to the questions above, please consider if it is time to let go.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


How can you survive?

Everyone has two families…

Don’t tolerate any type of bullying!

Do you want to win with a toxic person?


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