Lifestyle Changes for PTSD

These lifestyle changes will improve your PTSD symptoms.

Lifestyle changes DO improve PTSD. I know from experience.

Years ago, I had been knocked down the stairs too many times.  My then husband had hit me in the head too many times.  He yelled at me abusively too many times and did other things to hurt me emotionally.  I was diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder.

My life as I had known it was changed forever.  My brain did not work as it had before and I struggled to function.  Finally, a counselor suggested lifestyle changes to improve my PTSD symptoms.  I took her advice and my PTSD became much more manageable.

She suggested these lifestyle changes.

  • Join a peer support group.

It was hard to join a PTSD peer support group.  I thought that no one there would be able to help me. I struggled to meet new people.  At first I could not trust others or open up in meetings.

But after a few weeks I began to feel relieved that I had joined a peer support group.  I realized I was not the only person who felt this way. I also made friends with other survivors.

  • Exercise.

I walked and jogged and rode my bicycle.  The exercise gave me a break from my feelings.  It distracted me from painful memories.  After a few weeks of exercise, I began to have more self-esteem.    I felt more in control of my life.

  • Change neighborhoods.

I felt my world was an unsafe place.  I was afraid my ex would find me and hurt me again.  My counselor wanted me to move.  I did move, and I also got a guard dog.  I felt much safer.

  • Stay away from drinking and drugs.

She also warned me about drinking and drugs.  Drinking alcohol and using drugs would make my symptoms worse in spite of treatment.

I decided to stay away from drugs and alcohol.

  • Spend more time with loved ones.

She told me that spending time with loved ones would improve my PTSD symptoms.  So I spent as much time as possible with friends and loved ones. As I did this, I coped better with my PTSD.  Spending time with these people make me feel good.  I had fun with them.  Their  support enabled me to change habits and behaviors.


Coping with PTSD is a huge challenge.  But I have made and continue to make strides in coping with PTSD every day of my life.

You can too.  You must persist and must manage your PTSD symptoms because they cause other conditions like depression and anxiety to get worse.

Manage your PTSD symptoms and improve your quality of life.


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