When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Want Life to Return to Normal?

Did you know you and your fellow citizens can help return life to normal? 
Do what Japan does!

return to normal bj rae bobbiejrae.com encouragement

On May 7, 2020, coronavirus claimed twenty-one lives in Japan. In the United States on the same day, many more died—2,129. The Japanese death rate for this deadly virus is two percent of America’s although Japan has no lock down.

In Japan, people have been living as they normally do. They’ve been riding subways, and many businesses have remained open—including karaoke bars. Yet still, Japan’s death rate is much lower than the US death rate. And Japan hasn’t yet widely embraced contact tracing.

So how does Japan keep its infection and death rates from this deadly contagion so low?

De Kai, an American computer scientist with joint appointments at Berkeley’s International Computer Science Institute and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, has conducted a study and created a computer model that will soon be shared with the world. It has with an important conclusion that is supported by data.

If 80% of a population wore a mask,

COVID-19 infection rates would statistically

drop to approximately one twelfth the number of infections—

compared to a live-virus population in which no one wore masks.

Yes, Japan also practices social distancing, but this study indicates that the key to ending the lock down is for everyone to wear a mask. This includes President Trump, every other politician, as well as all media representatives.

Do you want life to get back to normal? Would you like to return to your job, enjoy your wedding, watch a movie in a theater, or eat in a restaurant?  Frustrated by our current economy?

Protests are not the answer. The solution is simple. We all need to wear a mask and continue social distancing!

Have you had difficulty finding or purchasing a mask? One source is Breathe Pure Masks. You can call this company at 800-920-0352 or order through its website, https://breathepuremask.com/. There may be other source for masks, but I have called this company and found that it has masks in stock and ships them the same day they are ordered.

Let’s get our lives back to normal!

Please share this post and

encourage the world to end this contagion and the lock down!


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