Make a Choice

You can make a choice that leads to peace, happiness, and feeling relaxed.

Guess what?  I feel happy and peaceful and relaxed.

Today I made a choice.

I turned off all electronic devices all day.  I walked, played basketball, and rode my mountain bike.  Also I ate a homemade breakfast and read the newspaper.  I played piano and snuggled my husband.  Then I read a book and played with our two dogs.

About fifteen minutes ago, I turned on the electronic devices to find out what is going on in the world and communicate with friends on the internet.  I still feel happy and peaceful.  My mind feels so much calmer and relaxed than it did before.

I observed these things about my life today.

Enjoying former activities.

I played basketball as a child.  Today I played basketball again.  I also rode a bike again.  I got in touch with things I enjoyed as a child and this made me feel relaxed and happy.

Feeling closer to family and friends.

Today with no electronic interruptions or time demands, I found myself listening closer to my husband and friends.

When my husband and I  were snuggling, I simply did not want to get out of the bed. We were lying there talking and really listening to each other.

I am feeling closer and more connected to family and friends.

Feeling relaxed instead of anxious.

The constant electronic stimulation was making me feel anxious.  I felt I had to take care of each alert and alarm right away.

Today I did not feel anxious at all.  I feel peaceful and relaxed.  Life is simpler today.

Improved thinking skills.

With traumatic brain injury, thinking clearly is very difficult.  My brain cells do not make the connections they used to make and I often feel frustrated.  When I feel frustrated, I struggle to remember things and think clearly even more.

Today I am thinking more clearly than I normally do.  My brain cells seem to make connections with much less effort.  I am not struggling to remember words and sentences the way I usually do.


Even if you do not have brain injury or any condition that impairs your thought processes, an electronic fast might help you to improve your thinking skills. When you take time for an electronic fast, you will enjoy former activities, feel closer to loved ones, and feel relaxed instead of anxious.  I cannot help but wonder if an electronic fast might be good for everyone who has depression, anxiety, and PTSD like I do.

Parents, if your children seem anxious, make a choice to try a household electronic fast.  It just might calm them down and improve their behavior.

Make a choice to feel relaxed, happy, and peaceful.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Are you sad? Read this.

Overcome your depression!

Read more about the power of love here.

You can survive the hard times in your life. Click here.


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