When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Make a Difference in How You Feel!

Encouraging you to make a difference in how you feel on near a river.

You can make a difference in how you feel.

My husband and I are two different people with the similar health issues.  We both have major depression, PTSD, and anxiety issues.  How we cope makes a huge difference in how we feel.

We met online and when we got together, I moved to his home.  After I moved to his state, the pollution there caused my allergies to become disabling. So together we moved to a new home in a small mountain community.

Here I feel healthy and happy, but he still feels down.  Today I figured out why that difference exists.

The glass I see as half full he sees as half empty.  I look at the bright side of things until I am dragged down too much and he almost always looks at the down side of life.

Consider what happened today. We had to drive to his medical appointment an hour from home and onn the way back, we stopped to find boxes to pack for our move in less than 7 days.  The search for boxes took us out of our way. He complained that our trip home was now longer. Therefore, I offered to drive and commented that the views along this drive are even more astonishing.

This is a typical conversation for us.

Research proves that thinking positively decreases symptoms of mental health issues.  So does the difference in how my husband and I feel.

I cannot change my husband’s negativity no matter how hard I try.  A person must want to be positive to change his outlook on life.

If you want to make a difference in how you feel, think more positively all the time.

Soar like an eagle above life’s storms.  Think positively to make a difference in how you feel.  You will probably feel less depressed, less anxious, and more able to cope with your PTSD.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Before you reach for your sleeping pills, please read this.

You can get over life’s speed bumps!

The honeymoon is over.  Now what?

“Uninstall” your bad day


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