A New Meaning

Sometimes the words we use every day take on a new meaning.

On September 5, 2019, I had major orthopedic surgery. Unfortunately, that particular area of my body suffered injury too soon after the surgery, and complex regional pain syndrome set in.

The other name for this condition is the “suicide disease”. So far, a neurologist, an orthopedic doctor, a pain management specialist, and my general practitioner haven’t hit up on the key to eliminating its unbelievable pain.  Once again, this condition has disabled me. Depression has resulted, due to the fact that medical providers have told me that no one has ever made a complete recovery from this crap.

CRPS keeps me in bed most of every day, unable to think clearly. In addition to causing the worst pain this writer with a very high pain tolerance has ever felt, it has generated severe insomnia, and the annoying feeling that bugs are crawling on my body.

So, recently I’ve lain in bed and watched TV and tried to read books. Even focusing on the words read to me by books on cd has been a struggle.

So I’ve learned a new meaning of the word pain.

In spite of the depression that has resulted, I have reason to keep hoping and fighting to overcome this. Some years ago, another physician diagnosed me with Rheumatoid Arthritis, another incurable (autoimmune) disease.  That condition has been in remission for more than fifteen years, though. And, when I broke my foot more than twenty years ago, a team of surgeons told me I’d never walk again, but I’ve logged many miles since that day.

I’m not the only person with a life challenge at the moment. The entire United States and the rest of the world are struggling due to coronavirus. Sadly, the problems caused by the coronavirus have given everyone a new meaning for the word ‘misery’.

Yes, problems make life very hard,

but we must also allow them to create new meaning

for another word, the word ‘hope’:

a reason to keep fighting to improve the quality of life.

On July 9, 2020, yet another surgeon will try to improve my life. He’s not giving up, and neither am I.

CRPS has exemplified my meaning for the word hope, as I hope coronavirus has done for the rest of the world.


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soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Don’t believe you can?

Live in peace every day,




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