An Interesting Journal…

Encouragement to read this journal for your health on Near a River.

Do you feel unwell? Please read this journal about mold issues.

Do you or someone you know have allergies and asthma or other health conditions?  If so, please read this journal.

Journal November, 1975

My Mother remarried. Unfortunately, the man she remarried smoked cigarettes every waking moment of his life.  Even at the dinner table, he smoked.  He could not even cut his own food because he had to have a cigarette in his hand. I had never missed a day of school until the time he moved into our home.

Journal January, 1976

Never ill before, I suddenly had allergies (even though it was winter) and sinus infections.  I longed for my past life of good health.

Journal April, 1976

Having walked less than a mile to school, I struggled to breathe.  The teacher on duty as I approached the school took me straight to the nurse’s office.  At the hospital, the Emergency Room doctor diagnosed me with asthma and prescribed Ventolin.

Journal June, 1976

Severe headaches started.  I sometimes lay in my bed for up to a week at a time.  They were so bad that I could not stand light and was very dizzy when I tried to stand.  I did not know it at the time, but I had started getting migraine headaches.

Journal September, 1977

Went to school sick again.  The nurse called my Mother who could not take off work and pick me up.  Grandma came and picked me up.  My asthma was worse and now I needed medication to prevent asthma attacks as well as medication to treat them.

Current Journal Entry

Throughout my adult life, I continued to struggle with allergies, migraines, and asthma. In 2013, I moved to NJ to live in my husband’s home.  There was a large pond near the home and as I later became aware, someone had smoked strong cigarettes in the home for 14 years.   Then in 2014 the test results of an allergist proved that I am allergic to mold and other things and also am chemically sensitive.

After I moved into my husband’s home, I became very ill.  We moved to the North Country and I felt great again.  But about two weeks ago, as we were trying to travel south for the winter, we stopped in our NJ home.  We stayed there less than 10 hours.  I became very ill and my husband decided to drive me back to the North Country instead of taking me to the hospital. Upon our return to the North Country, I researched the issue to figure out why I had become so very ill so suddenly.

Did you know that cigarettes contain a highly toxic mold? Because the tobacco in cigarettes is aged, it contains mold.  The type of mold in tobacco is “aspergillus mold”, one of the most toxic molds.  Aspergillus mold is toxic for everyone, but even more toxic for those of us who happen to be allergic to mold.


Smoking is very addictive.

I know that some people struggle with their smoking addiction and never break the habit.  But if you do smoke, please do not smoke inside your home.  Even if you do not have issues with mold or chemicals, the person who lives in your home after you might.  Smoking inside a building causes “sick building syndrome”.

Although I may never regain the health I had before my stepfather moved into our home, you can prevent causing another innocent person to struggle with life-long health issues.

Keep your home smoke free and stay as healthy as possible!


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