When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Farewell, Mollie Tibbetts

Although I did not know Molly Tibbetts personally, I am crying as I write this.

Encouraging you to prevent what happened to Molly Tibbetts on near a river.

Farewell, Mollie Tibbetts.

You were a good person trying to make something of yourself.  From what I heard about you, you had a good heart and studied hard in school to make your dreams come true.  Also, you were always kind to others and took care of your body as well as your mind.

Your family and friends all know that you did nothing to deserve what happened to you.  No one ever deserves to be harmed in any way.

Knowing what your heart and mind were like, we can all believe that you would want everyone to remember you by trying to prevent this from happening to anyone else.

What do your life and your death represent to the caring people of the US?  Your life represents someone who was on the right track to have a good life, and your death represents the violence that our society must find a way to eliminate.

The person who killed you obviously had very little in common with you.  Perhaps the person who killed you was a drug addict.  Or perhaps he was mentally ill. He may have been an illegal immigrant.

Whatever the case was, our society must work harder to overcome these two nightmarish blights. We must figure out why too many people in our society have these conditions and how people who have them can put their lives back in balance.

In your memory, I call upon every US citizen to contact his or her legislator to demand action in three areas.

  • the drug addiction crisis.
  • our mental health crisis.
  • the illegal immigration crisis.

Farewell, Mollie.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Please think about how you treat each person every day.

I need your help to keep my promise to Grandma.

Missing someone you love at this moment?

Yes, your kindness will return to you!


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One comment on “Farewell, Mollie Tibbetts


Amen! Actions need to take place immediately!


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