When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Dear New Four-Legged Friend…

We need a new friend. Can you help us?


new friend, bj rae, bobbiejrae, looking for a small dog

Simba and Chico need new friend, bj rae, need new dog


Dear New Friend,

Please join us, because we live in the best home imaginable!

Eric and BJ, our people, totally love us. They feed us Fresh Pet food, cook chicken and hamburger and steak for us, and give us filet mignon treats. They walk us three or more times each day and play with us on our agility equipment (a walk board, a teeter totter, a jump ring, two tunnels, and a large rock that’s in our backyard.  We love to climb the rock, survey the woods and the mountains (looking for chipmunks and other critters we don’t want in their territory), and play ‘king of the mountain’.

Eric is a disabled Vietnam veteran, and BJ is disabled also. They own a 3,800 sq. ft. home in the North Country in the US. The first thing they did when we moved in was to put up a fence in the backyard for us (Simba and Chico). They only leave us home alone for short periods of time, and we stay in the house while they’re out. Eric is a mostly retired computer programmer who works from home, and BJ is a writer who works from home.

Eric had a dog as a child, a mutt named Spot. Spot died when Eric was eighteen and in Vietnam.

I, Simba, am a 14 year-old Morkie. Chico is an 11 1/2 year old Malchi. Sadly, I’m getting toward the end of my life and Chico would be lost if he didn’t have a small friend (under fifteen pounds), so Eric and BJ are looking for one now. (Chico usually doesn’t pee until I find a good spot and take my business first.)

Our people’s hearts will ache when I pass away. Eric had quadruple bypass surgery in 2016 and has other Agent Orange related conditions, and I have been such a comfort to him. I have also been a great source of emotional support for BJ.

My passing is inevitable,

but these kind and loving people simply cannot lose Chico to loneliness.

They must have emotional support pets!

Since our people both work from home and work very few hours, we spend most of every day with them. We’re only left alone for errands less than two hours. We are a snowbird family so we get to venture to various warmer places during the long, cold North winters. In fact, at this very moment, we’re curled up next to BJ on either side, snuggled up her.

Our friends and our people’s friends say that any dog who resides with us is

one of the luckiest living creatures in the world.

Please come and live with us, where you will be cherished, loved,

and cared for every day of your life.

We can give your our Veterinarian’s name and the names and phone numbers of two references, if you want them.

Eric and BJ can keep in touch with your human and send pictures and videos when they want them.

Please join us in our fantastic home! It is truly the best pet home in the whole universe!

Please tell your human you want to live here with us!

Simba and Chico

P.S.–If you want to be our new friend,

please email bj at bobbiejrae@gmail.com.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


BJ has been searching for our new friend.

but, with Covid’s drain on the dog population,

she needs your help!

BJ won’t give up, though!


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

BJ’s encouraging books are available

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and Barnesandnoble.com.

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you care about today!

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