Muniba Mazari’s story will inspire you to never give up!

A woman was 18 year old when she got married. Her father wanted her to get married, so she said to her father, “If that makes you happy, I will say yes.”
But her marriage was never a happy one.
The accident
After two years of marriage, she was in a car accident. Her husband had fallen asleep at the wheel and the car fell into a ditch. He managed to jump out and save himself, but she remained in the car and sustained many injuries. Strangers dragged her out of the car and gave her CPR to save her life. But unfortunately, her spine was damaged even worse as she was dragged from her car.
The accident had fractured her collar bones and wrist, as well as many other bones. However, the injury that changed her life was her spine injury.
Recovering from the accident
Spending several months in the hospital, she fell into despair. One day her doctor told her, “You said you want to be an artist, but you will never paint again.” The next day, he returned with an even stronger message that she would never walk again. And the third day, he gave her the most heartbreaking message of all–she would never be able to have a child due to her spine injury.
At this point in her life, she questioned her existence. Why had she even survived the car accident?
Tired of lying helplessly in her hospital bed, she asked her brothers to bring her some paint. Even though her doctor had told that her deformed hand would prevent her from painting ever again, she began to paint beautiful pictures. Others admired her paintings, and only she could see her grief in her paintings.
She decided to fight her fears. After writing down all of her fears, she overcame them one by one.
Her three biggest fears
Her biggest fear was divorce. She liberated herself by setting her husband free and made herself very strong emotionally. So strong, in fact, that she sent him a text the day she found out he was getting married. “I’m so happy for you and I wish you all the best!” she messaged her ex-husband.
Her second biggest fear was being unable to be a mother. Then she realized that many children in orphanages long for loving homes and contacted multiple adoption agencies. Two years later she adopted her son when he was just two days old.
Her third biggest fear was not being accepted in society because she was in a wheelchair. So she began to appear in public. She became the National Goodwill Ambassador to United Nations for Pakistan, in spite of being in a wheel chair. Now she speaks about the rights of women and children to world leaders. In 2015, the BBC chose her as one of the top 100 women, and in 2016 Forbes Magazine chose her as one of the “Forbes 30 under 30”.
Her message to the world
Muniba Mazari’s message to the world is simple. Accept yourself the way you are and the world will recognize you. You success starts within you. Sometimes life does not go as you fantasized it should be. Life is a test and a trial for every person, and tests are never supposed to be easy. So when life gives you lemons, make lemonade and do not blame life for your lemons. It is okay to be scared and to cry. All of your feelings are okay, but giving up is never an option. NEVER GIVE UP! Embrace each breath you take while you are alive. Do not die mentally and emotionally before you die physically. Real happiness lies in gratitude. So be grateful for your life and live every moment.
If you cannot find a hero to inspire you, become your own hero! Never forget that the hero is within you!
Heeding her message to never give up will enable you to change the world in some way, just the way she has changed the world.
Parents, please teach your children this message any way you can. It may help them more than you could ever realize.
Soar like an eagle over life’s storms! Accept yourself the way you are, never give up, and you will succeed in life!
Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you
soar like an eagle above life’s storms.
Need a hug?
Always listen with love….
Show the world who you are!
Do not let “The Small Things” ruin your life!