The Open Door

Happy Fourth of July! The door is open. You are free to go out and come back later if you like!

Are you an American? Have you been feeling “unproud” of our country lately and want desperately to change it l? If so, please keep reading!

What makes our country so special is that



This is because we are both a republic and a democracy.

A republic is “a political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them”. The definition of democracy is “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives”.

As in every other country in the world, no perfect people live here in the US. So naturally, our government isn’t perfect. But our government serves us and we have freedoms that many people in other countries don’t have. We can co these things and more:

  • Own a gun.
  • Choose a religion or church, start a religious group worshipping anyone or anything, or practice atheism.
  • Enjoy clean running water and have power and access to a sewer system in our homes.
  • Visit the doctor we choose, with or without health insurance.
  • Follow any career path we like.
  • Buy toilet paper, food, and all the basic necessities.
  • Vote for our government leaders.
  • Walk out of our open door and return when we choose.

I greatly appreciate these freedoms like everyone else here does. We’d rather not go down the slippery slope of socialism and end up like Venezuela. And we’d also not prefer to go bankrupt like the powerful country Rome did years ago!

Twenty years ago Venezuela’s citizens had the freedoms we now enjoy, but they elected a leader with socialist tendencies. Of course, they gradually but quickly slipped into this dangerous form of government. Now they can’t even buy toilet paper, and everyone there wants to be here. They ruined their government with socialist policies and now they want to come here and ruin ours, too!

If you don’t like our country,

you shouldn’t ruin it with socialist policies

 or debt that overwhelms and bankrupts us!

That is just not a nice thing to do!  Instead of ruining a decent country for the rest of us, you should walk out its open door to whatever country you prefer.  Wherever you go, please don’t give up your US citizenship—just in case you miss your freedoms and want to return.

Please don’t ruin our country for the rest of us!

Move to another country instead!


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