When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

The Opposite Reaction

near a river encouragement opposite reaction bj rae eagle

How can you conquer the ghouls in your life?  Be the opposite reaction!

Everyone has ghouls in life.  Ghouls come at us from all sides constantly in the form of negativity and problems. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by all of the ghouls that attack us at once and are tempted to give up.

But we should never give up because we can conquer all of these ghouls!

All we have to do to conquer ghouls is to apply Newton’s third law of motion.

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

We can apply this law to our own lives, beyond just physical motion.

When we exert a force on another part of life, that force will go into its intended target, but it will also return back to the person.  Recall a time when you have helped someone or encouraged someone else. You sent out a force of compassion toward another person and instantly felt that same compassion in yourself in the form of a good feeling.

So when you send out positive energy to others, you cannot avoid the inevitable return of that good energy back to yourself. Sending out positive energy that returns to you helps you to overcome the negativity in your life.

Are you lonely? If the ghoul of loneliness haunts you, you can send out the opposite reaction and overcome it.  If you send out love to others and then feel loved yourself, this ghoul will stop haunting you.

Do you feel rejected? Practicing tolerance toward others creates a situation where others are tolerant toward you, so being tolerant of others can heal the ghoul of a difficult relationship.

Feeling misunderstood? Politically frustrated? When others with different views seem to not understand you, perhaps you could set into motion the opposite reaction.  Communicate to them that you understand their views and thereby encourage them to try to understand your views.  When opposite camps understand each other, they can begin to work together.


Yes, every action has an equally powerful opposite reaction and employing this reaction can overcome the original action.

What are you willing to do to conquer the ghouls in your life?


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