Be an Ostrich!

Encouragement to be like an ostrich on near a river.

Care for your mental health issues the way an ostrich cares for its young.

What do an ostrich and mental health awareness have in common?

Ostriches are the largest and heaviest living birds in the world. Despite standing seven to nine feet tall and weighing as much as 350 pounds, these birds have relatively small heads. When nesting, they dig shallow holes in the ground to use as nests for their eggs. They use their beaks to turn their eggs several times each day. From a distance, ostriches appear to be burying their heads in the sand, but they are really nurturing their young and the survival of their species.

Do you appear to bury your head in the sand regarding mental health?  Hopefully, you nurture the eggs of mental health awareness and take care of mental health issues instead.

The truth is that mental health issues are diseases, just like asthma, congestive heart failure, migraines, and cancer are.  I am happy to say that society in general nurtures the eggs of mental health awareness.  Our society has become aware that mental health issues are diseases and recognizes them for what they are.  However, some people still bury their heads in the sand.  These people still believe that mental illness only occurs in other families, not in theirs, and that having a mental illness is shameful.

The facts are that mental illness can strike anyone at any time, that it can quickly disable a person, and that medical intervention and counseling both are often necessary to improve it. Admitting you have a mental illness and getting appropriate help for it does not make you crazy.  Instead, those actions make you saner, because a sane person recognizes problems and seeks appropriate help.

You can soar like an eagle over life’s storms by living like an ostrich.  Turn over the eggs of mental health awareness to keep them alive, get help for any mental health issues you or a loved one may have, and support those going through mental health issues!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


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I ask “Why not me?” instead of “Why me?”

Yes, you can do “impossible things”!


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View Comments (1)

  • Thanks for this encouraging and positive post B J! Several members of my dad's family, including my Dad, has issues with mental health and depression. If only people would acknowledge that this is an illness and with proper treatment most can go on with a somewhat normal life.

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