Be an Overcomer!

Enable your struggling loved one to be an overcomer!

Life is harder when your loved one struggles with a major issue such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or any physical issue. You may feel depressed yourself because your loved one has an issue. But if you take action and enable your loved one to cope, both you and he will feel more positive about the situation. Both of you will feel empowered to overcome it instead of powerless because of it. This applies to children, spouses, other relatives, etc.

How can you do this?

  • Love.

Let him know you love him as often as possible, both verbally and with touch. Some people who need touch even wait in physicians’ offices for a physical examination for ailments with no organic cause—they wait to be touched. Hugs increase the immune system. Current research has documented incredible emotional and physical health benefits that come from touch .

  • Teach him to be grateful.

Gratitude improves sleep, self-esteem, mental strength, and empathy, as well as physical health. It reduces aggression and enables positive relationships. All of which are essential to overcoming an issue.

Rather teach him to compare where he is now to where he wants to be a month or six months or a year from now. Comparing yourself to others drags you down. Comparing where you are now to where you want to be in the future motivates you to reach a goal and overcome issues.

  • Remind him to never act the way he feels.

Your child should never treat others lousy when he feels lousy. He must distinguish between his feelings and his actions. Negative actions have negative consequences. Usually, negative actions make current circumstances worse. He may need to learn this in a safe setting, such as a psychologist’s or counselor’s office. But it is vital to becoming an overcomer.

  • Teach him to help others.

Helping others has many benefits. These benefits include improved self-esteem and improving your own outlook and attitude, as well as giving you a sense of renewal. It also improves your relationships and makes you feel empowered. All of which are vital to becoming an overcomer.


When your loved one struggles, you can help him to become an overcomer.

Role modeling these five strategies and teaching him to use them himself will help him be an overcomer. I have struggled in the past and become an overcomer using these strategies.


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