The Oxygen Mask

Encouragement to remember oxygen mask rules on near a river.

Never forget what the flight attendant always says about the oxygen mask before a flight takes off.

Recently I have been struggling with a family issue.  My Mother has an aggressive cancer and I have no idea how she is doing.  She lives with my sister and does not contact me for some strange reason.  In a  recent email from my sister’s email address, someone told me that my Mother just does not want an active relationship with me right now.

A Christian writer friend offered me some excellent advice– she reminded me of something flight attendants say.

Remember what the flight attendant says about the oxygen mask before a plane takes off?

First, the flight attendant tells passengers how to put their oxygen mask on.  Then, he or she always says, “If you are traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person. Keep your mask on until a uniformed crew member advises you to remove it.”

Flight attendants give good advice both for travel and for life.

My friend was advising me to take care of myself first, then worry about my Mother and my other family members. She was right.  I must take care of myself first.

If my Mother dies before I get to speak with her, I know I did my best.  It is not my fault that she refused to contact me. I have sent her gifts and cards I made myself on the computer to let her know I love her. Also, I have called her and tried to communicate with her through my sister’s email address. So if she does not know I love her, it is her problem. Right my own emotional needs to cope with this terrible problem are my priority.

I am taking my friend’s advice and putting my own oxygen mask on now. And I am keeping it on until I no longer need to use it.  I also remind myself every day that this problem is temporary, even though it will resolve with a permanent solution.  I can live through it!

Got a problem?  Put your own oxygen mask on first, then help others.  Wear your oxygen mask as long as you need to.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Eliminate the poison in life.

Don’t let anyone flatten your tires!

You can’t take back your spoken words.

Are any of your family members dysfunctional people?


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View Comments (1)

  • You have done your best. That is all anyone can do. So sorry you are losing your Mother. I had a similar situation with my Dad. I ran myself ragged arranging his care, cooking all his favorite foods and treats, etc. I overheard him telling someone "Chris won't lift a finger to help me." It was a knife in my heart, but I knew I did my best because I loved him. Maybe he wanted sympathy? I don't know...hope this is relevant. Your heart is so full of love...Maybe pray that she knows how much you love her. Love you. Chrissie

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