My Pot Story

near a river pot story bj rae bald eaglenear a river pot story bj rae bald eagle

Although I don’t use drugs, I still have a pot story to share…

Sometimes when my husband teases me publicly, I respond by calling him a “pothead”. In spite of the current tolerance for this drug, others within hearing range turn and stare at him.  They don’t know that I am using this word as an anachronym for “Persistent Obnoxious Teasing”, and he feels embarrassed as they stare at him.

These same people, however, don’t know one absolute fact.

Our home is the last place pot would be welcome.

My creed disfavors strong pain meds, in spite of the fact that I have experienced an overabundance of this torture in my short life. I disdain any substance that alters my brain functioning.

Recently I have been seeing specialists for an ongoing health problem. One of these learned human beings referred me to a neurologist for a complete neurological work up.

At 9:30 am today, the neurologist gathered information to write her report to the referring doctor. The discussion of my health history was painless, but the physical exam caused my fists to clench and tears to stream down my face.

When the exam finally concluded, the neurologist felt bad about the pain she’d caused. Trying to alleviate enough of it so I’d be able to endure the hour-long trip home, she massaged my painful area with CBD cream, a form of pot.

Quickly my pain returned to a manageable level and my weeping ceased. Before leaving, my husband purchased two forms of  CBD, a cream and a  tincture I can drop under my tongue. The tincture will probably induce sleep and prevent pain from keeping me awake at night.

I know I’m not the only person who endures pain. If you share my affliction, you might want to consider purchasing this form of pot after you consult your doctor. You can purchase CBD products at Walmart and many other pharmacies.

Even pot has a purpose sometimes!


To legalize pot or not?

What must you give yourself…

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You can ward off bad things in your future!


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Should you wait for this?

What must you give yourself…

Are you taking a trip anytime soon?

You can ward off bad things in your future!


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