Want to enjoy even more benefits of reading? Try reading out loud.
I read out loud. When my husband is not interested in what I am reading, he does not like this. But I need to do it because I have several diagnoses that benefit from this reading habit. Depression, anxiety, PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and memory loss.
How does reading out loud reduce depression, anxiety, and PTSD?
Reading out loud reduces worrying.
When I was going through my divorce, I worried constantly. It was natural to worry constantly, but it was definitely unhealthy. A therapist taught me a trick to stopping my worry: read out loud. My brain simply cannot worry and read out loud at the same time. So when I read out loud, I do not worry.
When my worrying is banished, my depression and anxiety are greatly reduced. Reducing my depression and anxiety helps me manage PTSD symptoms.
How does reading out loud improve my memory?
Reading out loud also improves my focus. When I see the written words and speak them at the same time, my focus improves.
A brain is like a muscle. When it works out by reading aloud, it is toning and building strength. Reading out loud exercises the connection between your mind and your voice. This connection increases focus.
When I read aloud, it is easier for me to put all of my energy into the task at hand without the temptation of distractions. I am so focused that I don’t even notice that I am strengthening my mental and verbal skills.
Improved focus, mental, and verbal skills result in a much improved memory.
My memory suffers as a result of mental health issues and as a result of traumatic brain injury. Reading out loud improves my memory and therefore helps me with many issues I face daily.
I know it is hard to find time in a busy day to sit down and read out loud. But this activity helps with many issues that you may face. Even if you do not have issues like I have, reading aloud improves and enriches your life.
Parents, teach your children the benefits of reading out loud. Read aloud to yourself in front of your children. Tell them why you are reading out loud. Do this as often as possible. Encourage your children to read out loud by sitting near them when they read out loud.
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