When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Reimage US!

near a river encouragement reimage US bj rae eagle

What does it mean to reimage something? 

Do you know how to reimage something?

My husband’s Windows 7 laptop has been having problems for the past few months.  Finally, the problems got so bad that he asked me to fix them.  Apparently, an infection had damaged around twenty percent of the registry keys in his computer, and the operating system was not functioning well. Yesterday, I worked about seven hours to “reimage” his computer.

To do this, I removed the infected registry keys and replace them with healthy files.  Replacing the damaged files with healthy files took hours, and I thought I would never finish this arduous task.  Finally, an hour after President Trump’s State of the Union address ended, I had replaced all the damaged files with healthy files. Then, I rebooted his computer and it ran without any error messages or problems.

While working on this project, I watched the State of the Union address.  I noticed that Americans need to reimage our country too! When President Trump discussed the improvements in employment rates for various minority groups, a group of people in the audience did not stand or clap. These same people also did not stand or clap when Trump mentioned more good news.  A large number of people who used to be on government assistance now support themselves by working.  Both of these things should make all Americans happy, since they both improve the health of our economy.

What I saw during the State of the Union address made me realize Americans need to reimage the US too!

Although we have two dominant political parties, we are one country.  Regardless of which party the current President affiliates with, we need work together.  Our country has a primary infection, the infection of anger and resentment.  This infection leads to secondary infections like being unable to work together and failure to keep in sight the goal of helping all Americans. Our infection damages our operating system and hampers our ability to function.

We need to remove our infection, anger and resentment, and replace it with a desire to work together for the good of the American people.  Until we do this, our leaders will accomplish nothing.  It starts with us, the American people, not with our leaders.  When we change our own attitudes, our expectations of our leaders change.  Our leaders, in turn, rise to whatever level we expect of them.

Let’s reimage the US into a country that works for all Americans!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


This would encourage our leaders to work together…

You can succeed without higher education!

We need to continue on as Suh does.

A key ingredient to success…


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