When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Remember the Soldiers…

Please remember the soldiers who have protected your freedom today.

Encouragement to remember the soldiers on near a river.

Every day of our lives we should remember the soldiers who protect our freedom.  But on July 4, we celebrate our freedom and for this reason we should make certain we remember them.

The soldiers I have known have had good hearts.  They are the kind of people who always help anyone they can help–regardless of the price they pay for helping others.

My stepfather

My stepfather was a kind and loving man.  During World War II, he was a teenager in the Navy when the enemy blasted a hole in the side of his ship not far in the engine room where he worked.  Unfortunately, many of his friends working near him were killed.   Looking around him, he saw the dead bodies of his friends lying around. And the Captain ran in and ordered every living person to stuff the hole with the dead bodies.

Since he was not the type of person to disobey a direct order,  he did as he was told.  Unfortunately, he suffered with nightmares for the remaining 60 years of his life.

My husband

My husband was eighteen years old during the Vietnam. Knowing he would be drafted anyway if he did not enlist, he enlisted.  Besides, if he enlisted, he would get to pick his Military Occupational Specialty (job).  So he went to Vietnam as an 18 year-old innocent young man with a bright future ahead of him. However, when he returned eighteen months later, the unspeakable events he had seen in Vietnam had changed him forever.

To this day, he cannot stand loud sudden noises because of his Vietnam experience. He also has multiple serious health issues because his Vietnam duty exposed him to Agent Orange.

Shortly after he returned home in 1969, the Fourth of July holiday rolled around.  As usual, he attended the fireworks with his family.  But when the fireworks began, he began to run and did not stop until he reached his home.  Although he had always enjoyed watching fireworks with his family every Fourth of July before he went to Vietnam, he could not stand the sound of the fireworks any more.

Please celebrate the freedom you have on the Fourth of July by thanking every veteran and soldier you can thank for his service.


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soar like an eagle above life’s storms.



You may be tempted to run away but…

Are you missing someone you love today?

Are you a jerk? Read this post if you have any doubts.


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