When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Wishing Upon a Star

When you wish upon a star, your dreams might come true!

near a river encouragement for kids star bj rae bald eagle

Recently I have seen two falling stars, so I made two wishes.

The first wish was for the three toes on my right foot to finish straightening out so I can wear normal shoes.  I wished for this because my toes might have caused me to need my 21st operation, and I definitely want no more surgeries.  So at least five times each day during the past ten months, I stretched my toes out to encourage their cooperation.  Recently when I got up, my wish had come true!  My toes appeared straighter so I put on my normal Sketchers shoes and they seem to fit fine!

My second wish was for Washington DC to pass good immigration legislation. If our President and House of Representatives could agree on effective immigration legislation, perhaps they might begin to work together on other things. I have heard suggestions that this legislation might include the following:

  • No support of oppressive governments, including arms sales and financial support. Supporting oppressive governments gives them more power to hurt their citizens!
  • Crackdowns on companies and individuals that employ illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants would not be able to earn money and support themselves in the US.
  • Loss of charters to corporations that help incite political violence for financial gains. Facebook has already banned any content that incites political violence. Perhaps our government should follow Facebook’s example.

What makes wishes come true?  Action!

If you agree with the legislation I have suggested, perhaps you could share this with your legislator and tweet it to our President. Communicating with our leaders is the best way to get them to pass the legislation we need.

If you have made a wish upon a star or even a wish not upon a star, I hope you make it come true in 2019!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


I wish you success in 2019!

How can you move up in the world?

Think there is no cure for your ailments?

I hope you have a “rotten day” every day this year!


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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