When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

The Straight and Narrow Path

The United States is too far off course and needs to get back to the straight and narrow path by focusing on helping Americans!  Here is one opinion of Micheal Cohen’s testimony today
before the US House of Representatives.

near a river encouragement Michael Cohen straight and narrow bj rae eagle

Today I listened as Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former attorney, testified before the US House of Representatives. Because I wanted to develop an impartial opinion, I did not watch the television to see who was asking the questions or if (s)he was Republican or Democrat.  I just listened to what each speaker was saying.

Michael Cohen answered various questions. Questions about his relationship with President Trump as well as Trump’s legal affairs.  Of course, Michael Cohen has been convicted of lying and I do not know if he lied again today. One male member of the House of Representatives stated that the US government spends 100 million dollars every hour, and it is a shame that the government was wasting time listening to the testimony of a convicted liar at that high cost.  He thought the government should be working on important issues, like security, immigration, health care, and other important issues. Towards the end of the testimony, a female member from West Virginia seconded this man’s opinion.  When someone commented on Cohen’s request for government protection after his testimony, he stated, “Trump can do a lot to me.”

Here is one opinion of Michael Cohen’s testimony today.

The Wrong Path!

America is on the wrong path! Since the government spends so much money every hour, it would be wise for our governing bodies to focus on the issues that Americans need help with!

Fortunately for the US taxpayers, the US judicial branch seems to have dismissed Hillary Clinton’s email server abuse. She used a private email server in violation of longstanding government regulations regarding sensitive information; but, the government has not pursued her issues. Imagine the cost to taxpayers if Clinton’s case had not been dismissed!

So perhaps the US government should chalk this one up to experience. Perhaps we should give Michael Cohen the protection he desires, let him pay his debt to society, and then move on.

Going forward…

From this point on, perhaps the justice department can create severe penalties for dishonesty within our government. The judicial branch could make the penalty common knowledge to prevent further problems with such behavior in the future.

If you agree with this opinion of Michael Cohen’s testimony, please consider sharing this post with anyone who might be able to encourage the US government to get on the straight and narrow path and do its job of helping the American people!

Our government needs to focus on helping us!


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This game simply must stop!

Everyone needs to play nicely or not play at all.

Here is a great write-in 2020 Presidential candidate…

Please read this basic information that everyone should know.


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