When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown


Encouraging you will survive on near a river.

Struggling?  Remind yourself that you will survive.

Just breathe.
You will be okay.
Remind yourself of all the times in the past that you felt this way.
This anxious and overwhelmed.
This depressed.
This stressed.
The times you have been in severe pain.
Remind yourself that you made it through each time.
Life has thrown so much your way.
Despite how hard your life has been, you are a SURVIVOR!
Now you just need to breathe and believe that you will survive this too.
This struggle is part of the process of becoming the best person you can be.
As long as you don’t give up and just keep persisting,
No matter how impossible your life seems, YOU WILL SURVIVE.


–BJ Rae

You may not think you survive your current circumstances, but you can.

Here are some strategies I have used to survive domestic abuse, rape, and many other very hard times.

  • Experience the hard times in the healthiest way possible.

Acknowledge your feelings.  Let yourself cry.  Talk with others about what you are going through.

Then try to see past these hard times.  If you have lost your job, tell yourself until you believe it that you will find a better job.  You are in severe pain right now?  Remind yourself that pain is not forever until you believe this pain will pass too.

Take care of yourself.  Eat as well as you can.  Meditate or take short naps during the day. Take walks to relieve stress.

Most of all, visualize how great your life will be after you survive this hardship.  Then write down a plan to make that great life happen.  Keep visualizing your great life until you follow through on your plan and make it happen!

  • Get through it as best you can!

Ask for help when you need help.

Avoid spending time with toxic people.  Toxic people do not support you.  They are often critical and judgmental.  You feel worse after you spend time with them.

  • Always look for the good around you.

Always look for the good around you.  Even if it is something as simple as running water, be thankful for the good around you.

  • Remember you are bigger than your issue.

You are not your problems or your crisis.  You are not your legal issue, your bank account,  or your employment status.  Identify with the positives in your life instead of the issues in your life.


Yes, you can be a survivor and soar like an eagle over life’s storms.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.



Are you sad?

Remain young longer…

You can take back your power!

This is the most powerful force in the universe.


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

BJ’s encouraging books are available

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and Barnesandnoble.com.

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One comment on “YOU WILL SURVIVE!

This came at the perfect time. I have been trying to pray, No I have been praying ,Why I am do blessed God answers me when I stay positive and know, just what is written I will survive
Thank you for this, and yes I would like to change something real that is happening to my family and so many others. You know I always say the one bad person still in my life, who will soon be out. I say to.tne people around me, all it takes is for him to have one ally to bread more unhappiness. Now I am going to say with all the love i have known and felt, and as blessed as I have been I have felt so much sadness. Now I say if I have one ally, when I know I have God ,but even more I have so many others who are fighting along with me,there is no way ,I will not survive. So listen I am already a survivor, and I will survive and bring while lot with me. So be prepared I WILL SURVIVE ,AND THERE WILL BE SO MANY SURIVERS WITH ME. SO GET READY. WE’RE COMING. WITH LOVE ,AND WE WILL BE HEARD.


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