When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Tag Archives: anxiety

Be kind to everyone.  Your kindness could save someone’s life! I am in tears as I write this post. On Monday, June 19, 2017, a Christian fifteen-year-old girl named Sadie L. Briggs took her own life. In Sadie’s obituary, her Read more…

Encouraging you to beware of toxic people on near a river.

Beware of these people!  They do not have healthy relationships! Have you ever known someone who seems to drain all of your energy? We all have. It is in everyone’s best interest to identify these people before they drain us.  Read more…

Encouraging you will survive on near a river.

Struggling?  Remind yourself that you will survive. Just breathe. You will be okay. Remind yourself of all the times in the past that you felt this way. This anxious and overwhelmed. This depressed. This stressed. The times you have been Read more…

Encouraging you to sleep well on near a river.

Strategies you can use to sleep well tonight. Day is done The weekend is here for many of us. Here in Connecticut, the sun is setting on this beautiful summer day. Feeling grateful, and I hope you are too. ♥️ Read more…

Three keys to survive and succeed no matter what your life circumstances are.   In my first article, “How to Survive No Matter What”,   I related how my grandmother had imparted certain gifts to me that enabled me to survive Read more…

Encouraging you to be happy on near a river.

How to have a happy day regardless of your current circumstances. I hope you have a happy day every day of your life.  I hope that every day of your life is a “gratitude day”. “Gratitude” is a great way Read more…

Encouraging you to read out loud on near a river.

Want to enjoy even more benefits of reading?  Try reading out loud. I read out loud.  When my husband is not interested in what I am reading, he does not like this.  But I need to do it because I Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids celebrate life bj rae bald eagle

To be healthy and happy, celebrate life instead of holding a grudge! Even though I have plenty to be angry about, I celebrate life, not anger or the hard times I have been through. When I was a young child, my Read more…

Encouraging you to succeed like a weed on near a river.

How to succeed like a weed succeeds. I love gardening.  I have noticed there are two types of plants:  persistent plants that do not need much care to grow and delicate plants that do. The two types of plants Weeds Read more…

Do not allow anyone to break your heart! Some people  just cannot love you for who you are. Indeed they are emotionally and spiritually frozen. They avoid affection. These people never look meaningfully at you. They cannot connect with others Read more…

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