When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Tag Archives: President Trump

Is it bad or good to be living on borrowed time? In October of 2019, a neurologist diagnosed me with complex regional pain syndrome. When I first received this diagnosis, I believed it couldn’t kill me, that it could only Read more…

Goodbye, 2020! Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, I have New Year’s hopes this year. 2020, you were such a horrible year. First, in April my neurologist formally diagnosed me with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, the most painful disease that exists. Read more…

Sir, this one is for you… Dear President Trump,   On our money we print “In God we trust’. But this favor I ask you, because I must. Our economy you’ve raised from deader than dead, Though that couldn’t be Read more…

We can all learn something from the story of Georgie! Today I watched something interesting. Two dogs, who had previously been their own little pack, met Georgie in their own home. The pack members and this outsider walked in circles, Read more…

Why is our country the way it is right now, in such a state of insane disarray? More importantly, why don’t we fix things? I am over 50 years old and have kept a journal my entire life. In all Read more…

Bored silly? Trying to pass the time until life returns to “normal”? Restaurants, movie theaters, and malls are closed. Sport events are cancelled. There is nothing to do but stay home and wait out the virus, for however long it Read more…

near a river wrong button bj rae bald eagle encouragement

What happened after I accidentally hit the wrong button? Read on to find out… Recently, a medical problem has forced me to practice on a keyboard upstairs in our home instead of enjoying the grand piano that lives downstairs in Read more…

near a river contagion bj rae bald eagle encouragement

What is the cause of the contagion that is taking over our country? On August 5, 2019, President Trump said in his address that the El Paso shooting was consumed by hate and is a part of an evil contagion. Read more…

I am the chairwoman of a committee few people admit to joining, but…   Finally, I have lost over twenty-five pounds in two months and kept it off. I feel great, but my weight loss has created problems.  My rings Read more…

The United States is too far off course and needs to get back to the straight and narrow path by focusing on helping Americans!  Here is one opinion of Micheal Cohen’s testimony today before the US House of Representatives. Today Read more…

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