When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Tag Archives: PTSD

A new fantastic medical treatment is changing lives.  It just might change yours. The Vietnam Veteran slept, snuggled up next to his wife. Each time noise from outside invaded the silence in their safe bedroom, his legs and arms moved Read more…

Please remember the soldiers who have protected your freedom today. Every day of our lives we should remember the soldiers who protect our freedom.  But on July 4, we celebrate our freedom and for this reason we should make certain Read more…

Encoiuragement to overcome PTSD with an invisible fence on near a river.

Do you have PTSD?  Then live within an invisible fence… As a victim of domestic violence diagnosed with PTSD, I highly value safety and security. My second husband and I have been traveling to various campgrounds for the past month.  Read more…

Encouraging you to just breathe on near a river.

When you feel stressed, here is a great way to “just breathe” and actually relax… When you seem stressed, someone may tell you to “just breathe”.  But it is very hard to focus on your breathing when your mind is Read more…

Encouraging you to use our best solution on near a river.

Our best solution to PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Both my husband and I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and PTSD.  I also have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. We muddle through each day by loving and supporting each Read more…

Encouraging you to understand vivid dreams on near a river.

Pay attention to your vivid dreams! I often have vivid dreams.  I wake up, knowing that I have had a strange and vivid dream.  And the odd thing is that I can remember what I dreamt when I wake up. Read more…

When a disaster is heading your way, you need to prepare to cope with the emotional trauma you and your loved ones will experience.. Disasters cause everyone affected to feel upset.  The emotional toll of the disaster can devastate you Read more…

A simple way to eclipse the negativity from your life! Do you have negative people in your life whom you cannot avoid?  If you do, this post is for you! Early this morning I walked with my friend Wendy like Read more…

You can make a choice that leads to peace, happiness, and feeling relaxed. Guess what?  I feel happy and peaceful and relaxed. Today I made a choice. I turned off all electronic devices all day.  I walked, played basketball, and Read more…

I want to help you any way I can.  Dear Reader, How can I help you? Showing kindness and helping others is good for anyone’s soul, especially mine.  I have had a very hard life and helping others enables me Read more…

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Please help BJ raise funds for the charities she supports–cancer research, child abuse, domestic violence, and disaster victims.