When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Tag Archives: republicans

If you agree that our country needs a leader to unify all Americans, please read and share this post!   Dear Mr. Biden, Yes, you were inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States but I cannot call you Read more…

Is it bad or good to be living on borrowed time? In October of 2019, a neurologist diagnosed me with complex regional pain syndrome. When I first received this diagnosis, I believed it couldn’t kill me, that it could only Read more…

Happy Fourth of July! The door is open. You are free to go out and come back later if you like! Are you an American? Have you been feeling “unproud” of our country lately and want desperately to change it Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids page bj rae bald eagle

Our government needs to turn the page and work to improve our lives! Independent Counsel Robert Mueller began an investigation two years ago. Yesterday, Mueller released his report and recommended no additional indictments. Robert Mueller and his team spent much Read more…

near a river bj rae encouragement for children tug or war bald eagle

Fifty years ago, when I was a child, there was a tug of war in the United States.  The same thing is happening now. Fifty years ago today, I was a young child.  The year was 1968 and the American Read more…

near a river encouragement reimage US bj rae eagle

What does it mean to reimage something?  Do you know how to reimage something? My husband’s Windows 7 laptop has been having problems for the past few months.  Finally, the problems got so bad that he asked me to fix Read more…

There is a hairclip on the tails of both US Democrats and Republicans. Who will remove it? My husband told me a story about a woman he dated years ago, about her cat and her hairclip. He had taken this Read more…

I know this post will be unpopular, but I had to write it anyway.  It has an important message. This morning when I turned on the news, I saw something that made me feel really sad.  It shows that people Read more…

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