When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Don’t Tease Testosterone!

If you are female, you need to be very careful! Beware testosterone!

Encouraging you to beware of testosterone on near a river.

As we all know, testosterone is the male hormone that gives males their sex drive. The younger a male is, the more he has.

So if you are female, you should not tease this hormone!

Girls, do you know that how you dress could stimulate a guy’s testosterone and cause him to think of you as a sex object instead of a human being?  How you flirt can do the same thing.  Your appearance or mannerisms can tempt even an ordinary guy.

Yesterday my husband and I were walking our two dogs on a trail near our home.  A teenage girl was walking with her parents. Even though it was chilly outside, she only wore an exercise bra and a pair of jeans so tight that we could see every muscle in her legs moving with every step she took.  She had curled her hair and wore makeup.

Quietly I told my husband that it was good that her parents were walking with her, but it was not good that they allow her to tease males in public.  One day when they are not with her, out of habit she might appear this way in public in an insecure environment, And she might have to defend herself against testosterone.

Hopefully, this will not happen to her.

I am not saying that we girls must dress like nuns.  Nor am I saying that all guys are dangerous because of testosterone.  Also, it is never right when a female is hurt by anyone, including a male.

But females can avoid lots of trouble in life if they think about their appearance and mannerisms before they walk out of their homes.

Parents, you do want your daughters to stay safe, don’t you?  So please make your daughters aware of this–even if they are only 15 years old.

We females need to act honorably and not tease or tempt testosterone!


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Help me keep a promise I made years ago.

Aretha Franklin urges us all to think.

Stand tall in spite of your past!

How can you stay safe?


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