The Finger

We all know what “the finger” is.  This week life gave my hubby and me the finger.

We are traveling right now, and I do not have my usual computer repair tools with me.  Of course, this week I absolutely needed them.

The display of my husband’s laptop suddenly quit working two nights ago.  Because I always try to keep things working as long as possible, I worked on it late into the night. Twice I was able to get it going again, but it gave me the “computer finger” (the black screen of death) again both times.  Believing the video processor had died, I tested my theory by connecting a monitor to it. Even with a working monitor attached, it made noises but still would not show me what it was doing.  Finally, I went to bed at 4 am.

Hoping I was wrong, I took it to a local computer repair shop Monday morning.  After trying to bring it back to life for two days, a tech named Ryan reached the same conclusion.  The computer’s graphics processor was part of the motherboard and he could not replace it, so he officially pronounced it dead.

Ryan apologized profusely for returning a laptop he could not repair. Then he only charged me $35 for two day’s work and refused to accept any more money.  To show him our gratitude, I promised this honest, knowledgeable, hard-working computer tech that I would share his business cards with anyone in this area who might need a computer repaired.

Ryan smiled and said, “Thank you. You are unique customers.  Usually, when I cannot repair a computer, the owner becomes angry with me. Your kindness made my day!”

Although we now need to bury my husband’s laptop, we are still content.  And we would not dream of giving Ryan a hard time for not bringing it back to life.

I carefully placed it in a soft casket (computer case) until we get home.  There I will remove the hard drive and wipe it out or save it for later use, and then dispose of the computer properly.

Life gives us the finger in other ways, too. We see the black screen of death in our minds when we watch the news and hear what is going on in US politics and the world, but we still do not take our frustrations out on others.  Instead, we do what we can to improve the situation and move on.

When life gives you the finger, it is unwise to take your frustration out on others around you.  The wise thing to do is to simply remain calm. If you cannot improve the situation, it is best to continue to be kind to others. You will feel better about yourself if you do this!


I made a promise and…

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You can do what others say is impossible!


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I made a promise and…

Do you want to join my committee?

You can do what others say is impossible!

Every computer needs as much TLC as possible…


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