I disagree with songwriter Lee Greenwood. Yes, they can take it away!

In 1984, I was in high school the first time I heard the God Bless the USA. Its lyrics made me feel both proud and thankful to be an American. Four lines stood out in my mind.

I thank my lucky stars
To be living here today
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom
And they can’t take that away.

Thirty-six years later, as my husband drove me to a piano lesson yesterday, I heard this beautiful song again. I sang along and realized that the four lines I loved so much as a teenager simply aren’t true.

Yes, they can take away our freedom!

One political group in the wealthiest North American nation wants to implement socialist ideology and take away our second amendment rights of gun ownership. It’s trying to follow the strategies implemented in another country that recently collapsed, formerly the richest in South America.

In February of 1999, just twenty-one years ago, that country began to move from a free market economy toward social welfare programs. It wasn’t fair that some had more than others, citizens thought, so they elected Nicolás Maduro. He had agreed to ‘redistribute income and property’ to create social programs to benefit everyone there. With social programs to support them, the people’s work ethic and desire to succeed and excel faded away. Those from whom the government took away the economic benefits they’d worked so hard for simply left the country. When the money stopped coming in, the leaders could no longer fund free health care and other things.

After a few years, the leaders were the only ones who had food, health care, and basic necessities. The people ran out of food, and ate their pets until there were no more of those to eat, and then began to starve. Even if a citizen could buy food or toilet paper, there was none to buy.

The people no longer had desire to succeed, food to eat, toilet paper, or medicine.

When they tried to stand up for their rights, they were unable to defend themselves against the military’s weaponry. The government had taken already away their guns.

The same things could happen here in the US. Venezuela was burdened with debt when it implemented socialist policies, just as we are. However, we do have an example to learn from so we can avoid repeating history.

As we vote, we must remember they can take away our freedom, even if they do it inadvertently. Also, there is no reset button, and we cannot change the election results after ballots are counted! Once we lose our free market economy, it will be nearly impossible to get it back.

Yes, they can take away our freedom, if we let them.


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