Solutions to Hair Thinning

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Do you have thinning hair?  I used to have this problem, but now my hair is thicker than it ever was.  Read on to find out how I resolved this issue.

When I was thirty, my doctor prescribed Topamax to prevent migraine headaches.  Most of the time it worked, but it had a bad side effect:  it thinned my hair. After my second husband and I got together when I was in my late forties, I decided to stop taking this medication.  Although my hair stopped falling out, it didn’t grow back.

Every time I turned on the tv, I saw commercials for systems to regrow hair. They were all expensive.  When I googled their reviews, I found that most of them simply didn’t work.

But I did find an inexpensive and effective solution that worked for me.

About hair styling…

My hairdresser recommended that I wash my hair, condition and scrunch it, and let it dry on its own.  Some months later, my hair was a bit thicker but it still had visible spots where it had fallen out.

Other solutions…

So I looked for other possible solutions. A good water-soluble vitamin would help, according to my doctor. So I added a vitamin that contained biotin, vitamin B5, and zinc. I also ate as many food products that contained flaxseed oil as possible.

My hair grew back somewhat more.

What helped the most…

Then I found L-Lysine. L-lysine, present in the hair’s root, is responsible for the shape and volume of the hair. An L-lysine deficiency can cause hair loss, but getting enough of this amino acid promotes regular hair growth. Yes, people who have herpes take it as a supplement to prevent outbreaks, too.

Certain foods contain this nutrient—meat, eggs, beans, lentils, nuts and spirulina.

Three years ago, I started taking L-Lysine supplements in addition to eating foods that contain it as often as possible.

Two years ago,

my hair became thicker than it ever was

before I started taking Topamax in the first place.

Do you have thinning hair? Would you consider trying a less expensive alternative to restoring your hair’s fullness?

Note: Before taking any supplement, consult your doctor first. Some supplements can interfere with other medications and health issues.


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