A story about three unanswered prayers.
Are you thankful to God even when life doesn’t turn out the way you wanted it to? I am!
Here are three unanswered prayers.
My first unanswered prayer
Today we went Walmarting in our Smart Car. The seats of a Smart Car are very close together and my husband loves to tease me. Both verbally and physically. So I prayed that God protect me from his teasing. I wanted to think about a problem I have been having..
What I asked God for was obviously not meant to be. My husband pinched my knees, tickled me, and teased me verbally all the way to Walmart, as usual.
All through Walmart, he teased me.
My body responds in Pavlovian way to my husband. He can create the same effect as tickling me (an immediate urge to use to restroom or wet myself!) by just saying the word “tickle”. So all through Walmart, he said the word “tickle”. And I ran to the bathroom several times in the short time we spent there today.
Why was my prayer not answered? My sweet, loving hubby has free will. The only way I will ever go Walmarting without being teased is without him, when he dies. Since I hope we live a long time and die in each other’s arms, I am thankful for this unanswered prayer!
My second unanswered prayer
My second unanswered prayer is for my ex-husband to have a good, healthy, and peaceful life. God has not answered this prayer either. My ex-husband has been plagued with serious health issues and financial issues galore! Again, God has not answered this prayer of mine because my ex-husband has free will and probably is suffering as a result of his own poor decisions.
And my third unanswered prayer
My third unanswered prayer is that Ken Dunn (owner of new publishing company Rebel Press, Next Century Publishing, and GoRead.com) refund my $8,000 that he took from me and did not publish my book. Ken Dunn has free will, too. People with loving hearts as well as people with unkind hearts all have free will. Like my ex-husband, Ken will reap what he sows.
Do you have any unanswered prayers? We all do! Please do not be angry about them. Recognize that God is working in your life and the lives of the people you are praying for.
Sometimes what we want God to do simply is not in His will. Recognize that God loves you and is watching out for you, even when you think He is not answering your prayers.
Be thankful every time you pray, even when your prayers are not answered.
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soar like an eagle above life’s storms.
Ladies, let’s unite!
Please move on from your past.
Here is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself.
Hugging is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. So is love!