Unify US Like You Promised, Mr. Biden!

If you agree that our country needs a leader to unify all Americans, please read and share this post!


Dear Mr. Biden,

Yes, you were inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States but I cannot call you by your title.

Any title is earned. For me to honor you with the word ‘President’ before your name, you must first show leadership and work toward accomplishing what you promised.

Before and on January 20, 2021, you promised to ‘UNIFY’ this country that’s torn by civil war. But you haven’t done that.

To unify taxpayers, both Democratic and Republican,

consider that our money–not yours–pays for every decision you make.

Please think about this fact when you allow illegal immigrants to enter our Southern border by stopping the border wall or with your ‘memorandums.’ Or when you push for the ‘Green New Deal’.  Americans work hard for their money, and they deserve to keep enough to care for their families and plan for their futures. Why did you send millions to foreign countries for the sterilization of women? Also, why did you cancel the Keystone XL pipeline but pay for one in the Middle East with our tax dollars?

You have driven our country into horrible financial and crime crises. The immigrants you have encouraged to come to our country illegally are running up expenses for us taxpayers, and killing Americans with fentanyl and other drugs. Too many of the men and women who’ve defended the US are homeless, and we can’t pay for them to have a place to live and basic necessities.

Actions speak louder than words, and your actions say that you hate Americans.

Mr. Biden, wouldn’t it be ironic if those same immigrants

you seem to be inviting into our country

accepted your invitation but voted for Republicans instead of Democrats

to prevent this country from becoming communist like the places they left behind?

To unify taxpayers, both Democratic and Republican,

you must require responsibility from yourself and others.

Why don’t you assert your leadership and unify this country by standing up to all violence, not just the violence that occurred on January 6? Violence has continued in other areas of the country, but you have done nothing about it!

Please hold your son accountable for his financial decisions, instead of negating his responsibility! If Don Trump Jr or Nikki Haley’s kids acted like Hunter, you would be the first to condemn their actions!

Before you took office, you promised to work with others to make bipartisan decisions. But you haven’t done this. Instead, you simply dictate through your memorandums what you want to make happen. America isn’t about you—it’s about Americans, all three hundred and thirty million of us. Without us—both Democrats and Republicans—there wouldn’t be a United States.

Please remember this fact when you consider working with others or simply making an order.

To unite taxpayers, both Democratic and Republican,

cancel ‘cancel culture’.

To prevent repeating past mistakes, we must remember them and learn from them. But ‘cancel culture’ refuses to teach our children what happened in history.

Our country needs to remember slavery and those who espoused it, to prevent those ideals from dominating this country again. Everyone needs to remember the slippery slope that leads to communism and its devastating effects.

The media, including social media, is part of cancel culture. It often tries to silence our First Amendment rights. If you don’t want

To unite taxpayers, both Democratic and Republican,

value ALL AMERICAN PEOPLE above your family’s wealth.

Your family, including your son Hunter as well as yourself, needs to focus on the American people now that you live in the White House—not on the money it can make your family with deals with other countries. Both you and your loved ones need to honor America and Americans, not your own pocketbooks!

I know the teacher’s unions have donated much money to your campaign, but you still need to stand up the them and improve education! Give control of education back to parents!


Please think about the future world you are creating. Your decisions impact future generations of Americans as well as other countries. Remember that every country that has fallen prey to the communist values you espouse has crashed. I know you are older and may not be alive when the United States of America becomes the United Socialist States of America, but a true leader considers the long-term impacts of everything he says and does!

You claim to be a devout Catholic, but does your church agree with your view on abortion? Why don’t you stand up for your beliefs, instead of what others want you to claim to believe?

I happen to have a health condition that will probably shorten my life.

When I was first diagnosed, I thought,  Why me? 

But now that the US faces the prospect of socialism, I tell myself,

Thank goodness that I may not have to live many more years!

Mr., Biden, at the moment I cannot call you President! Living in the White House doesn’t give you the right for others to address you with that honorable title.  When you unite this country, you will have earned the right to the title of the leader of the free world!



BJ Rae


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