What If?

Please ask yourself “what if” along with me in this post…

Young Barack Obama

What if, sometime in the summer of 1974, my Mother had aborted me and I never came into existence. How would the world be different?

You would not be reading this post, for one thing. My husband wouldn’t be able to snuggle me at night, and I wouldn’t be here to massage him when he feels stressed or down. Also, I wouldn’t have given birth to my own child, who definitely lights up the world every day.

Others, more famous than myself, survived abortion and have made a life for themselves. 

Justin Bieber

What if Justin Bieber’s parents had followed doctors’ advice? Before conceiving him, his mom suffered sexual abuse and tried to kill herself. When Mallette became pregnant at age seventeen, her family and doctors urged her to abort her child. Fortunately, Mallette didn’t follow their advice and we now have the music of Justin Bieber to enjoy!

Celine Dion

In Charlemagne, Canada, the news she would soon have her fourteenth child devastated Celine Dion’s mother. Instead of simply having an abortion, she asked her priest what she should do. He told her not to terminate her pregnancy. Thanks to this decision, Celine reminds us that life should go on in the movie Titanic (“My Heart Will Go On.”)

Tim Tiebow

Former professional American quarterback and current professional baseball player Tim Tiebow will eternally give thanks for his parent’s decision. While pregnant with Tim, his mother suffered a life-threatening infection, and doctors tried to persuade her to abort him. Thank goodness for all the sports fans out there—his mother went against her doctor’s orders. On August 14, 1987, Tim Tiebow’s life began in Makati in the Philippines.

Pam Stenzel

In 1964, a fifteen-year-old girl was raped, became pregnant, but still decided to carry her unborn child to term. Five months after her baby girl was born she gave her daughter up for adoption. That child was Pam Stenzel. At age fifty-four, Pam speaks to speaks more than half a million young people every year around the world, persuading them to abstain from sex as teenagers.

Barack Obama

President Obama’s father, Barack Obama, Sr., paid to send a young Kenyan girl he had impregnated in Massachusetts to London to have an abortion. His mother had a different idea, though.  On August 4, 1961, she brought our future 44th president into the world at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu, Hawaii.

If you are grateful for your Obama Care insurance, you should thank Ann Dunham for standing up for her convictions!

Suppose everyone mentioned above was never born.

How would the American dream be different?


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