
Why is our country the way it is right now, in such a state of insane disarray? More importantly, why don’t we fix things?

I am over 50 years old and have kept a journal my entire life. In all of my years as a political independent, I cannot recall a time that this country was in such disarray as it is right now.

Yes, there have been times that people haven’t gotten along throughout the years. When I was a child, I observed soldiers that our country had drafted and sent to Vietnam. When they returned from their mandatory service, civilians picked on them and abused them. My second husband tried to use the GI bill to attend college but his college and professor allowed others to harass him right out of school.

But now things are so much worse than that.

Life is just insane!

While the anti-fascists who call themselves ANTIFA stir up violent riots and demand things like the defunding of police, politicians from both sides refuse to work together. The coronavirus, which some call the ‘Chinese virus’, has affected around five million Americans and nineteen million people over the world. It has killed over seven hundred thousand worldwide.

Our country is split in a political civil war.

Why are we so divided?


In 2016, America got fed up with the way politicians were running our country and elected a president from the private sector who had used his brains to find success and earn billions of dollars to fix things. During his campaign, some of those in D.C. feared the way their power might shift if he took office.  They tried to undermine him.

Trump’s decisions have brought our country to new heights of prosperity. Before the virus assaulted the world, he made us financially successful. His changes to our economy lowered our unemployment rate to the lowest it has been in over fifty years and lifted many people out of poverty.

Like every other human being, Trump isn’t perfect. His communication skills could definitely use improvement. But, the way I see it, he has done good things for our country in spite of how he explains himself, his goals, and his ideas.

Why is Trump’s presidency affecting us the way it is?

FEAR! People, especially those who believe they might lose power under his administration, don’t understand his goals and efforts, so they initiated a grassroots political civil war.

Why don’t we stop this crap?

Yes, the power to stop this crap in in our hands.

The first steps to change are bringing to light the underlying causes of problems, facing our feelings instead of allowing anxiety to drive us over the edge, and considering all sides of the issues.

But those in power have created confusion. They’ve encouraged our media to brainwash us by reporting inaccurate information. Our schools have lobotomized our kids by not teaching them about key events of history, like the fact that every communist government has failed. The younger generation, unaware of what it doesn’t know, wants everything for free, and fails to understand that this approach to life will lead us down a path of very high taxes, too much government control, and loss of freedom.

The truth is that someone, somewhere pays for everything. You might not be one of the people who pay, but you cannot depend on other people’s money for long. Consider Venezuela. The Venezuelans elected people who would give them everything for free, these officials overtaxed the few who could pay. Those taxpayers soon were unable to continue to support so many others, and the country collapsed. In less than twenty years, the Venezuelan people found themselves hungry, without the universal health care their government had promised. They also lacked things as basic as toilet paper.

Sadly, this destructive process has hurt many generations in other countries, too.

Why not wake up before it’s too late?

Human nature makes people too fearful to accept change and the powerful left simply WILL NOT let go for the benefit of our future. But, if Americans wake up, we can stop the violence and the fighting and the civil war.

If we stop fearing, start understanding,  and think for ourselves rationally,  we can fix our country by voting for a positive future that will enable future generations to remain free.

Parents, please use this time that schools cannot indoctrinate your children iwith warped political ideas. Teach them the truth missing from their public education, as well as how they can change their future and their children’s futures.



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