When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Zoom In!

Zoom in!  Focus on what you enjoy most and recover your serenity.

Encouraging you to zoom in on near a river.

Your life is like a picture on the wall of your home.

In a picture frame, there are usually at least several objects.  And these objects are not usually the same color, shape, or size.  They are also usually not equally appealing—some are more attractive to you than others.  As you look at this picture, you feel different feelings as you look at the various parts of it.

Your life is just like that picture frame.  There is more than one thing going on at a time, and you feel differently about the different things going on.  Some make you feel sad or angry, and others make you feel happy, and how you feel about your life overall depends on what you zoom in on.

For example, right now I have many things going on.  I am dealing with the carpenter ant problem,  a medical issue of my own that could turn out to be major, a challenging contractor, piano lessons,  and the website www.nearariver.com.  (I just finished doing a major search engine optimization overhaul.) Only two of those things are good, piano lessons and the website.

Zoom in!

Because I do not want to feel always down like Eeyore in the new Disney movie Christopher Robin, I choose to zoom in on the two positive things going on right now—music and the website. How do I zoom in on these two things?  I spend my day thinking about them instead of the others.

When the others start to drag me down, I ask myself what is good in my life and think about those things. Then I practice piano and work on the website more. After I begin to feel calm, I can more easily consider and make decisions about the challenging things in my life.

When I zoom in on the good things in my life, I feel serene and peaceful and forget the negativity that could easily take control of my attitude, feelings, and reactions to the world around me.

Starting to feel down?  Please zoom in instead!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Feeling down in the summer heat?

Are you walking through a storm too?

What is the biggest thing you have ever done?

Yes, you can take back your power and become successful!


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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