When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Near a River

Why is the bald eagle a symbol of greatness?

Do you know what an eagle does when a storm is coming?

When a storm is coming, an eagle does not seek shelter.  Nor does it seek the lowest spot possible.

Instead, it flies to a high spot and waits for the winds to arrive.  When the storm hits, the eagle moves its wings to enable the wind to pick it up and lift it above the storm.

While the storm rages below, the eagle soars above it. It does not even try to escape from the storm but uses the storm to lift it even higher instead.

When the storms of life come upon you, please remember how an eagle responds to storms and rise above them.

Let the winds that bring turmoil into your life lift you higher.

If you do this, you will overcome every storm.

Teach your children to let the winds lift them above storms, 

and they’ll be overcomers, too.

Written with uplifting words of encouragement, Near a River is a photographic book for children about two young bald eagles who work together to learn to soar above the storms of life. Young readers will surely find that Near a River will have a special place in their hearts forever.

The crisp, clear, and rare pictures of young eagles learning to fly will surely enchant everyone, adults and children alike!

Here are some facts about this wonderful book:

  • It is a common core eagle reading book for children in grades K-2.
  • Word lists are at the back of the book, sight words and other words.
  • The large font, ChrisHMKBold, is a dyslexic font—all the dyslexic letters such as “d” and “b” are different so a child with dyslexia can distinguish them from each other and improve his or her reading.
  • Near a River will encourage a child to look to parents for guidance, to persist when trying to reach a goal, and to enjoy both nature and reading.

 Near a River is now available to purchase on Amazon as well as at Barnes & Noble. The book is offered in Kindle edition, Nook book, hardcover, and paperback.

Do you want an autographed copy? Just email BJ at bobbiejrae@gmail.com.

Coming soon!

Cloud People

by BJ Rae,

a compelling and encouraging novel for adults.

Definitely a page-turner!

BJ challenges every visitor to this website to help make his or her country a better place. She challenges everyone to buy any interesting book for children and donate it to a library, school, or a child you know.

Today’s Readers are Tomorrow’s Leaders!


Available at AmazonBuy Now at Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Bobbie J Rae, or BJ for short, currently lives in a small town in the United States with her husband, and they have four grown children. She loves nature, computers, animals, traveling, art, children, music, and reading. When she isn’t writing or improving her music ability, she enjoys advancing her photography skills.

BJ writes to encourage others. Also, she knows that all it takes to hook a child on reading is one book. Just one book read as a child can find a special place in someone’s heart for the rest of his or her life.

Along with writing books, BJ also writes articles of hope and encouragement for those who seek hope in hard times. Her topics include “Training for Success,” For Parents”, “Overcome Depression,” “How Can I Fix Problems”, and more. To see a list of all of BJ‘s topics, click on the “Articles by nearariver.com” menu item. Once you see a topic you like, click on the topic you wish to explore. 

Although legally disabled due to traumatic brain injury, BJ helps others as often as possible every day of her life. BJ‘s Grandma shared a message of love, hope, and encouragement with everyone around her daily, and BJ promised to continue to spread this message after her death. This website is BJ‘s way of helping others and continuing to share this badly needed message!

Click here to read the story about BJ‘s promise.

If you are looking for a quick bite of food for thought, check out the Gallery by clicking on the word Gallery at the top of this page.

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Enjoy reading Near a River or BJ‘s articles of encouragement? Please share her uplifting words for children and adults with your friends and family!


BJ hopes that every child and his or her family avoids this blight. She has written some informative posts to help you and your children avoid coronavirus by finding the needed protection as well as doing everything you can to succeed.











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Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on near a river!

BJ’s encouraging eagle

Near a River

common core

reading book for children

is available on


and Barnesandnoble.com.

Buy BJ’s Near a River 

eagle reading book

for children

you care about today!


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