When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Say I Love You….

near a river encouragement say i love you bj rae eagle

How do you say I love you to others? Do you say it in the way your loved one needs to hear it?

One of our two fur babies, Simba, is sometimes hyper.  While in hyper mode last night, he jumped off the couch in the cabin.  His head hit the hardwood coffee table so hard we heard a loud thump.

When Simba is happy and feeling well, his tail curls upward from his body. But after he hit his head, it drooped and dragged on the floor as he walked over to me.  He was obviously in pain. We were in a strange area; it was night, and we could not find a veterinarian who was open.

Since I have had much pain myself, I know that touch and massage improve these miseries. So I gently set him on our bed and snuggled him, massaging his head all the while. Throughout the night, he did not move around on the bed like he usually does. He lay beside me the whole night, with my hand gently massaging his head

Except for one difference, Simba was his usual bouncy self his morning. He is closer to my hubby and almost always follows him around.  But this morning he followed me everywhere I went, even to the bathroom.

Today, while my hubby drove our camper to the next campground, Simba laid his head on my shoulder and licked me for hours. He was saying I love you, just as I was saying I love you to him last night when I snuggled him and massaged his head.

You can say I love you in many ways.  And, many times, a nonverbal affirmation of your love is the best way to say these important words.

Please try to say I love you in a different way to someone you care about today–especially your child(ren).

You never know how your communication might change your relationship.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Do you stand alone?

Did you celebrate Quitter’s Day?

Just doing my best to keep a promise.

Life should get better as you get older…


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"Each reader's heart is like an eagle's and can soar above the storms in life..." - Near a River's Author, BJ Rae.

Written with uplifting words of encouragement, Near a River is a photographic children's book about two young bald eagles who are eager for their mother to teach them to fly so they may soar over the storms in their lives. Near a River encourages early childhood reading. BJ hopes that every child becomes a strong reader and soars above the storms in life.

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