Always Listen with Love!

Show others you care.  Always listen lovingly!

On a cold winter day my brother William called my Mother.  William was in distress. He needed her to listen to and support him.  When he began speaking in an upset tone of voice, she told him he was big enough to take care of his own problems. He needed to act like a man.

My Mother did not have a moment to spare for my brother.  Now, even if she did have a moment to spare to give him, she could not give it to him.

My brother did take care of his own problems.

Sadly, he killed himself.

William left a suicide note that explained the reasons he had killed himself.  One reason was that my Mother had not listened to him when he was upset.

He had been going through a bad divorce.  His wife had cheated on him and kicked him out of their home.  Yes, he had much to be depressed about and he certainly was depressed.

When anyone wants to speak with me, I listen for as long as I can.  I give him all the time I can, regardless of what I have going on in my life.  I stop and engage in conversation until the person feels that his issues have been dealt with.

If anyone comes to you looking for support, always listen with love.

Sometimes all it takes to improve how a person feels is for someone who cares to listen lovingly.  Who knows?  You might be saving another person’s life by simply listening without judging.

Parents, no matter how big your kids get, they still need you to be there for them.  Even if you are 80 years old and your child is 55, take time to show him you care.  You never want to live with the regret that my Mother must now live with every day of her life.

Help others and always listen with love.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Are you sad?  Please read this.

Please help me keep my promise…

Always remember how special you are!

Survive no matter what your circumstances are. 


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

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