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Keywords are useful on the internet and in other ways, too. How can they affect…

  • About Love's Power...
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Why Wait?

Why wait to enjoy the most important part of your life? Once upon a time…

  • How Can I Change the World?
  • How Can I Improve My Country?

We Need More Protons!

What are protons? Can we learn anything from them?   I studied both chemistry and…

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  • How Can I Be Happy?
  • How Can I Change the World?
  • How Can I Improve My Country?
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May you always have the gumption to do and think what is right! I have…

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Before You Travel…

Before you leave for your vacation, you pack sunscreen and bug protection. But do you…

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  • Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father’s Day, Dad!

Feel free to use this letter to let your Dad know how you feel about…

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  • Happy Father's Day!
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The Most Important Gift

There is one gift everyone can share with others. Do you happen to know what…

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When to Hold On

Sometimes, I hold onto things for a long time. Recently, my habit proved worthwhile! Like…

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  • How Can I Improve My Country?


The English language derives the word “eureka” from the Greek word meaning “I found it”. …

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Tomorrow I am looking forward to you! Last night I stayed up too late writing…