The Answer to Violence!

Encouragement to answer violence with love on

What is the answer to violence in the world?

Violence begins in childhood, with the delicate balance of negative and positive factors in a child’s life.

As children, we all need positive factors to balance the negatives.  Positive factors include opportunities for success, supportive adults, and a resilient temperament while negative factors include child abuse and neglect, chaotic neighborhoods, and psychological problems. When the negatives outweigh the positives, a child is more likely to become an angry and violent person. Kathryn Seifert, Ph.D. explained this clearly in her book, How Children Become Violent.

As Ecclesiastes 8:9 states, “Man has exercised authority over another man to his hurt.”  We must enforce healthy boundaries to prevent those without a good balance of positives and negatives in childhood from hurting others.

What is the answer to violence?

The human connection and love are the answer to violence!

The human connection creates bonds between us and improves psychological problems. It enables us to cope with issues in healthy ways and It can also counteract the negatives in a potentially violent person’s life.

We all know the current state of the world.  But what if the following were true?

  • We put into place programs to identify young children at risk for violence later in life.
  • These children are given positive mentors and loving role models.  Therefore, they know they have a safe place to go to.
  • These children know they have a safe place to go where they are loved.

If these were true, children would not grow up to be angry and violent.



Each one of us can help make the world less violent by simply being more loving.  We can mentor a young child who has more negatives than positives in his or her life.  And we can give a child unconditional love.  Love is the most powerful force in the universe.

We must set clear universal boundaries, standards for acceptable behavior with severe consequences. Severe consequences might motivate those who already have violent tendencies to get the help they need to control their behavior.

Parents, do not let your child grow up to be violent.  Make certain the positives in your child’s life outweigh the negatives each and every day!

Let’s work together to create the answer to violence–a more loving world.


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  • Thank you for sharing this spiritual wisdom during a time of widespread confusion and far too much violence. Reading, a solitary activity, can make us better humans too.