Barney Was Right!

Do you remember Barney, the big purple dinosaur who had his own syndicated television show? He was right about one thing in particular…

This morning I woke up singing my own version of Barney’s song to our two small dogs.

Barney the big purple dinosaur was popular in the 90’s.  He danced and sang and taught children their ABCs, numbers, and a bit of geography on a then-popular television show.  I must admit that occasionally I watched his show.

Why did I watch the Barney show as an adult from time to time?  Yes, I already knew my ABCs and 123s, but I enjoyed watching the children hold hands with the purple dinosaur and sing this song at the end of every show.

I love you, you love me,
We’re a happy family!
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you,
Won’t you say you love me, too?

 In the 90’s, I needed a reminder that there was love in the world, and this song reminded me that there are people out there who love each other.

The words of Barney’s song are right on, in my opinion.

But this morning, I changed the words to suit my situation.

I love you, more than you love me.
We’re a happy family.
With lots of hugs and kisses from me to you,
Won’t you give me a hug back too?

 Yes, I know my song sounds silly, but I try to start and end each day and night with love for someone else.

Last night, my hubby and I went out to dinner with a writer friend I had only chatted with on Facebook.  We both enjoyed the evening very much, so we did something we like to do.  When it was time to pay the check, my hubby snuck away from the table to “use the restroom”.  But, instead of doing what he said he would do, he found our server and paid the entire bill.  We wanted to show our friend that we liked him and enjoyed his company. Before we parted company, I gave our friend a hug.

Showing love and appreciation is powerful!  In addition to creating bonds with others, it can end wars and unite people.

You may laugh at what I am about to write, but I will write it anyway. What might happen if President Trump sent Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer balloons and flowers every day? Well, not every day until the end of his presidency, but just until they could sit down and talk in a civil manner and work together. I can imagine the possible outcomes, can’t you?

Barney was right.  Loving each other is the way to handle life!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


There are many ways to express your feelings…

Remember to always listen with love!

Yes, we need a hero right now!

Why did I write this post?



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