How Not to Be a JERK

Encouragement to not be a jerk on near a river.

Have you ever wondered how someone can learn to not be a jerk?

Want to know if others think you are a jerk or not?  There is a the psychological spectrum that will tell you.

If you are a jerk, you probably do not even know you are offending people. Here are some characteristics of a jerk.

  • Jerks kiss up to those above them, like a boss, and disrespect on those who are not above them.
  • They rarely see their behavior for what it is. Since they do not care about what others think about them, they do not perceive that others view them negatively and they do not experience shame.
  • Jerks do not help others and do not care about how others feel.  Thus, they do not care about all family members, either. Because they do not care how others feel, they lie and hurt others with their lies.
  • Test your jerk status by looking around you and describing the people you see. If you see stupid people who are beneath you and do not deserve your time, you probably fall on the jerk end of the spectrum. Also, ask yourself to describe your family members.  You may be a jerk to the family members whom you perceive as having no value and whom you put down, condemn, and criticize.

Suspect you may fall in the jerk end of the spectrum? Do you want to become a nice sweetheart?

Do these two things.

  • Look for the value in every person around you and the value in every member of your family. Therefore, instead of seeing the janitor as an uneducated cleaning person, perhaps you could consider the value in what this person does—how his or her efforts improve the lives of everyone around. Also, instead of seeing your sibling as a negative person, you could look for his or her good attributes.
  • Constantly look for opportunities to make others’ lives better and remember that always being honest makes others’ lives better!  Thus, put yourself in others’ shoes and ask yourself what you can do to improve their lives.  Start practicing this on your family members.  If a family member has any health or other issues, do everything you can within your power to help.  Then do the same thing with people outside of your family.

Any person can learn not to be a jerk if he or she wants to!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

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What is YOUR biggest accomplishment?

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