Beat the Heat!

Strategies to help you beat this heat this summer!

The heat can make you feel generally miserable, and it also intensifies depression and anxiety. There is no way to completely escape the summer heat, but you can try to beat it.

Here are the things we do in our home to beat the heat.

Dim the sunlight!

We have replaced all of the older window coverings in our home with insulated curtains.  These curtains have foam backing that dramatically helps cut down the heat that comes into our home from the windows. Underneath them, we installed blackout Levolor window shades

The darkness in our home keeps it cooler and also significantly reduces our summer electric bills.

Every penny we have spent on window coverings has paid off!

Ceiling fans

We installed ceiling fans. These home wonders make a huge difference in the inside temperature, especially when we keep them running twenty-four hours a day.

Fans placed near air conditioners

We have also found that careful placement of a standing floor fan near a window air conditioner unit helps a great deal.


A Squeeze Breeze is a water bottle with a battery-operated fan top, and I wear mine on a strap around my neck. We also wear light-weight clothing and go out in the early mornings as much as possible.

Help pets in the heat

Make sure you refill your pet’s water dish with fresh water at least three times a day.  The higher temperatures outside can elevate the water temperature in your pet’s water dish and permit bacteria to flourish.


Do you have any health problems?  Staying cool is more important for you than for a healthy person.

If your electric bill is too high during the summer months when heat can be fatal, please turn on your air conditioner anyway.  If you need help with your electric bill, ask your utility company where you can get help.

Be a world changer!  If you know of anyone who needs help to beat the heat and has little money, please consider purchasing fans and delivering them to him or her.

Parents, remember children are susceptible to heat-related depression and anxiety just as you are.  Seek professional help for them if you feel they need it.

Please stay cool and calm your anxiety and depression.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Mind your health, especially during hot weather!

You can reduce your electricity bill and

Beat the annoying bugs too.

Americans, please unite!


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on near a river!
