When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Category Archives: How Can I Improve My Country?

Make  a Difference In Your Country!

These articles explain how anyone can improve life in his or her country.  They include topics from getting involved in politics to helping to end violence.  Their ultimate purpose is to enable readers everywhere to overcome life’s storms as an eagle does.

Bobbie J Rae’s vision is insightful and motivating. Her vision brings you a successful and positive outlook on life.  These articles will help you improve life in your country for children and adults around you.

Written with uplifting words of encouragement, Near a River is a photographic book for children about two young bald eagles who are eager for their mother to teach them to fly so they may soar over the storms in their lives.

Near a River encourages early reading for children. BJ hopes that every child becomes a strong reader and overcomes the storms in life.

Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on near a river!

BJ’s encouraging eagle

Near a River

common core

reading book for children

is available on


and Barnesandnoble.com.

Buy BJ’s Near a River 

eagle reading book

for children

you care about today!

near a river encouragement troops bj rae eagle

It is Christmas and we should and can let our troops know we care about them. Christmas is upon us. It is time to celebrate with loved ones, but some people cannot celebrate with loved ones because they are protecting Read more…

near a river encouragement scary bj rae eagle

October is the month for scary things…from ghouls and goblins and witches to bullying… October is the month the US celebrates its “scary” holiday, Halloween.  We dress our children as ghouls, goblins, superheroes, or storybook characters and take them to Read more…

Encouragement to honor this pledge for all Americans on near a river.

A pledge is a promise or vow to commit to an idea or action.  Do you know there is a pledge for all that every American needs to honor? In August of 1892, the American socialist preacher Francis Bellamy wrote Read more…

Friday, October 5, is World Teacher’s Day.  What can you do to celebrate this day? Perhaps we all need to polish some apples, one for each of our children’s teachers first thing this morning before we send our kids to Read more…

The world would be a much better place, if only people would respect differences. A true story… A woman arrived at an imaging center for a diagnostic study. She was on crutches and wore a “cast shoe”, one designed for Read more…

Encouraging you to understand the relationship between give and take and our chaotic world on www.bobbiejrae.com/nearariver.

Failure to understand the give and take concept creates chaos in our society. Did you know chaos in our world results when people take instead of giving and taking?  Takers take drugs, other people’s property, and other people’s lives.  But Read more…

Do you support this? If you answer ‘no’, you need to stop and think. An older couple lives  in an average home on an average street. Both have health problems that limit their activities and their only daughter died from Read more…

Unfortunately, all I can do right now is enjoy the beautiful sight outside my window.   I awakened shortly after six o’clock and gazed through the bedroom window. The sun was rising over the mountains. Its rays glistened on the Read more…

When we grow up bj rae what children need near a river

We deserve these things when we grow up!  If you love us, please give us what we need! Dear Politicians, Parents, and Teachers, Thank you for providing guidance to us as we grow up. But, you’re doing a few things Read more…

Dolly Parton created Imagination Library to enable all kids to be successful in life. Dolly Parton had a dream.  She wanted to inspire children to love books.  Her Daddy was uneducated and could not read or write, so she created Read more…

"Each reader's heart is like an eagle's and can soar above the storms in life..." - Near a River's Author, BJ Rae.

Written with uplifting words of encouragement, Near a River is a photographic children's book about two young bald eagles who are eager for their mother to teach them to fly so they may soar over the storms in their lives. Near a River encourages early childhood reading. BJ hopes that every child becomes a strong reader and soars above the storms in life.

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Please help BJ raise funds for the charities she supports–cancer research, child abuse, domestic violence, and disaster victims.