When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Category Archives: How Can I Communicate Effectively?

Communicate effectively!  Be successful!

Articles in this category will inspire and motivate you to communicate more effectively. Furthermore, they will enable you to be more successful.

This category has a variety of topics such as listening skills and active listening, improving relationships, effective written communication, and speaking kindly, as well as communicating with your boss to get a promotion.

In addition, these posts will enable readers to soar like eagles above life’s storms by motivating them to communicate effectively.

BJ’ s vision is insightful and motivating, and her vision  brings you a successful outlook on life.  These articles will help you improve your life.

Written with uplifting words of encouragement, Near a River is a photographic children’s book about two young bald eagles who are eager for their mother to teach them to fly so they may soar over the storms in their lives. Near a River encourages early childhood reading. BJ hopes that every child becomes a strong reader and soars above the storms in life.

BJ also hopes that every reader soars like an eagle over life’s storms!

Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on near a river!

BJ’s encouraging eagle

Near a River

common core

reading book for children

is available on


and Barnesandnoble.com.

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eagle reading book

for children

you care about today!

Encouraging you to listen more than you talk on Near a River.

Listen more than you talk to have successful relationships! How can you succeed in all relationships?  You can listen more than you talk. Talking more than listening hurts all relationships.  Relationships with family members, friends, coworkers, your boss. No one Read more…

You can prevent a negative person from dragging you down! How should you respond when someone is negative and angry toward you?  How can you prevent a negative person from dragging you down? If you want to be a peacemaker Read more…

A simple way to be closer to those you care about. Listening is a great way to be closer to those you love.  Listening closely strengthens relationships. Here are four things I do to increase the effectiveness of my listening Read more…

Show others you care.  Always listen lovingly! On a cold winter day my brother William called my Mother.  William was in distress. He needed her to listen to and support him.  When he began speaking in an upset tone of Read more…

Encouraging you to succeed in all of your relationships on near a river.

A simple way to improve all of your relationships.   Have you ever had trouble in relationships?  Has anyone you know ever had relationship issues? Do you know what the number one predictor for divorce and other failed relationships is? Read more…

Use your pen to resolve issues! Today I disputed a financial transaction.  Supervisor Ann in customer service told me  on the phone that it would take at least 30 days to resolve the issue.  She also stated I had to Read more…

Encouraging you to communicate effectively on near a river.

Seven strategies to effectively communicate with anyone. Years ago, I saw a counselor due to my marital issues. The counselor listened.  She advised me to leave him because of his abuse and make certain I communicate effectively until I do Read more…

near a river encouragement for children speak kindly bj rae bald eagle

Always speak kindly. I grew up in a home where people did not speak kindly.  Instead, they yelled and fought constantly. While they fought, I hid in a small cove at the back of my closet with a small tape Read more…

"Each reader's heart is like an eagle's and can soar above the storms in life..." - Near a River's Author, BJ Rae.

Written with uplifting words of encouragement, Near a River is a photographic children's book about two young bald eagles who are eager for their mother to teach them to fly so they may soar over the storms in their lives. Near a River encourages early childhood reading. BJ hopes that every child becomes a strong reader and soars above the storms in life.

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Please help BJ raise funds for the charities she supports–cancer research, child abuse, domestic violence, and disaster victims.