Celebrate Love!

My Grandma taught me to celebrate love.

All holidays celebrate love. From Valentine’s Day to Christmas, every holiday celebrates love.

Valentine’s Day celebrates loving relationships. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrate love for parents. Fourth of July celebrates love for our country. Veterans’ Day celebrates love for those who have protected us. Thanksgiving celebrates our love of spending time with family and friends. And Christmas celebrates our love for Jesus.

My Grandma celebrated love on holidays, as well as every other day of her life. By her example, she taught me how to do the same thing.

Celebrate by loving others.

Grandma loved everyone. She never spoke an unkind word about anyone.


Express your love through your actions.

She cooked meals for neighbors and did anything she could to help anyone. She loved and helped me every chance she could.

As soon as I arrived at her home, she stopped whatever she was doing. She sat on her worn couch and massaged my feet. I rested and told her how my life was, then I slept while she held me. When I woke up, she was still holding me. She had other things to do, but she wanted to express to me that she loved me.


My Grandma’s love molded me into the person I am today. Before she died, I made a promise to her.  I promised to continue to spread her love, kindness, hope, and encouragement.  Every day I do my best to honor this promise.

Consider yourself hugged. This article is my way of hugging you today.

Celebrate love every day of your life,

especially on holidays.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

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Do you feel sad right now?

  Just say “I can” instead of “I can’t”.

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What’s the most powerful thing you can do for yourself?


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  • This is so beautiful! If more people talked like this, there would be less people depressed and more people feeling like love exists. You have lifted my heart today!
    Thank you!